NO ONE can stop us

NO ONE can stop us

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Euros will have a hard time understanding they are powerless in this situation


the corona duo

Can you just take a tripcode already

hey if you wanna be monkeys I'm not gonna stop you alright

If you don't want to see my posts, close this board and never come back. No one will miss your US hate threads and the best part is you won't see my posts


euros seething about their new masters, like pottery

talk smack after you counter bitchslap israel ameribro

>he never saw planet of the apes
u mad, hairless human boi?

Ok ahmed

Both are incredibly stupid .

We are nothing compared to you

Now that the dust has settled. Can we just nuke this whole continent?


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Israel is the 51st state.

Not yet, brother. But we will build you up. You will become the Japan that Japan never could.


My brothers...

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Lmao it looks like brazil frog was punched in the face


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That's symbolic for how we treat South America.

coof coof

We tried to make an alliance before. What assurance can you give me that Amerazil will endure?

Newfag here. Forgot pic.

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Canada and Uruguay are going to benefit from this.

Uraguay is the Canda of Brazil.



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soon will be just United States of Americas

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CABU so Japan can say it