International gaming

what games are you playing this weekend?

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that game sucks without mods

They also gave away GTA V

Probably smash and Tetris 99

wow and civ 6

I'll close my eyes and pretend I traveld back to 2013 and I'm playing dota with my friends all afternoon

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samurai shodown v

medieval total war 2 kingdoms online

Decided to try out the new COD. It’s honestly pretty good, I can get a good 70fps with my shitty 1070. I have also had more fun in ground war than with 300 hours of battlefield V. I thing I hate though is the fucking 175gb install.

agreed on all accounts


i dont enjoy games anymore

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Fallout: New Vegas
I got to the main menu before realising it has mouse acceleration with no way to turn it off so now I have to spend an unknown amount of time researching how to turn it off

I know that feeling a little it’s very hard for me to enjoy single player games anymore.

literally 2 seconds to type it in

try cave story or phoenix wright
>shitty 1070
it's only 3 years old or so? sheesh dude.
nothing, didn't feel like it.

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Playing the fuck out of Satisfactory with my friends
really fun and addictive

Hopefully overwatch

I have to play on low or medium settings most of the time on AAA games just to get 60 FPS on 1080. I get 70 on high settings so it’s pretty impressive

>i dont enjoy games anymore
I know this feeling.
Although several times a year I'll play Crusader Kings 2 for a week or so.
I used to play so many different games.

pokemon black 2 randomizsr and csgo probably

>I have to play on low or medium settings most of the time on AAA games just to get 60 FPS on 1080. I get 70 on high settings so it’s pretty impressive
I have a 1070, and I have not had a problem playing any AAA game in the past several years at at least 60 FPS.

or this

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Then mine must be an extra piece of shit then

Tried Hearts of Iron 4 lately after enjoying EU4 but I'm too much of a brainlet for it.


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I don't enjoy anything these days. Maybe Dota Underlords because it requires little input and can be played alt tabbed while browsing.


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Best search engine

>the potato still uses google
the state of you

Why do you hate privacy?

Stop playing because you have nothing else to do, same for the computer.
Just do stuff that you have to do, grind it and come back, we're not built to have comfort a 100% of the time.

>using epic
LMAO why are muslims so stupid?