Post your 8values results

Post your 8values results.

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quelle surprise

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Politics are for boring faggots.


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Probably in the minority considering Zig Forums

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>Politics are for boring faggots.

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soyboys btfo

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Yes, I am based. How could you tell?

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what did they mean by this

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the thread will be most likely deleted by the time i finish, but i remember my final matched ideology was libertarian socialism. I think that fits, market socialism is based and redpilled.

I think libertarian socialism is closer to anarchism than it is to market socialism.

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>forever central on everything

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oh man

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enlightened centrism

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anarchy in the long term could be good but it's nowhere near realistic until the rest of the world catches up in economical development, and regional disparities are small, which won't be in ages. Here are my results btw i went thru it fast.

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boring centrist mostly

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Anarchy is fine as a long term goal, but I don't think that it would be possible without several revolutionary generations. I think the people need a lot more structure and discipline if they are ever to achieve that goal. This is mine:

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Where are my centrist Chads @?

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leftist tradcath?

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>politics is boring
>political theory is based, high IQ and redpilled

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basically yeah lol

Am I alone?

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t. orthodogs :DDD

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Seems a bit Zig Forums

Not even a hard thing to be. "Right wing" and "left wing" aren't very meaningful labels nowadays. I'm an absolute monarchist which should make me far right but I always come out as "left wing" because I like welfarebuxx. What does welfarebuxx have to do with monarchy vs republicanism?

Political quizzes are meme tier shit.

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8 value 12 value who cares

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>seems a bit Zig Forums

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Yeah, "left wing" and "right wing" have been a meme since the French Revolution. I still use the terms because they're ingrained in the discussion now, so what can ya do.