Why are Americans like this

Why are Americans like this

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What's the craziest thing that's been blamed on socialism/communism?

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functioning societies

>Leopold II

What the fuck are you Americans high on?

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progress in society

>23 million

On reddit, socialism has come to mean "when government does things or owns things etc". So yes, Leopold II is socialist sinbce he owned the Congo

>Leopold II
Assuming from the flag, didn't know Belgium to be such a socialist state to this day.
The more you learn...

Jesus. Do Americans really?

Conservatives here are brain-dead retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if they start blaming natural disasters on socialism.

It's comparing non-socialist leaders' death tolls (Hitler and Leopold) to the much higher death tolls of socialist leaders (Mao and Stalin).

You over-estimate Amerimutts. This is clearly saying Hitler and Leopold are socialists.

>a literal monarc

I'm pretty sure all four are part of the "squad", else this is very badly worded and calling hitler a (national)SOCIALIST isn't rare from americans

I don't know, you tell me

Love how they always give Hitler a lower death toll than Stalin when really his death toll should be 70 million. A peasant falling off a ladder in Belarus is enough to be counted as a "death caused by communism", but the 27 million soviets alone the Wehrmacht killed don't count for Hitler.

Should take off Mao and say the biggest murderers in the world are Euros. (Mao was Euro influenced)

>17 million
does this include or not include the fake jewish lie of 6 million killed in the holohoax?

> king
> socialist
Uhh what? Mutts can't be that dumb

Yeah I also love how they don't count the dead Afrika Korps soldiers as the victims of British Imperialism.

The 'rona being added was a meme or they ackshually did that

But it was a private enterprise of the king since the government of Belgium didn't approve of it.

>real socialism
>strict hierarchy and cutting niggas hands off for rubber quotas
>not real socialism
>universal healthcare welfare state that pays for you to go to school
No I never read marx what gave it off.

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>all faggots are socialists
>all belgians are faggots
> all belgians are socialists

Lack of education.

the funny thing is that retard conservatives call everything bad socialist, but retard liberals (or maybe just lefties?) here call anything good socialist. it is like they just forgot definitions and use the conservative one of "muh government doing anything = socialism"

Affordable, efficient, sustainable healthcare and educational systems.

jesus would say otherwise

Why does Leopold get so much attention lately? I swear 3 years ago nobody talked about him/knew about him and suddenly everyone knows him

Wtf is Christian about not giving kids food? Daily reminder that American "Evangelicals" are not Christian.

why is Stalin's name transliterated as Jozef, what is the angloed transliteration of polish Józef? Since when do angloes use the russianpolishenglish transcription system?

Because colonialism is suddenly bad and Americans just learned that Africa was colonised too. Ofc they can't hate on the champions of justice (France & UK ) so they have to go for the smaller fish like Belgium, the Boers or the Germans.

When I was in school a few years ago we spent like a week covering how he cut off niggers hands. Probably some liberal brainwashing technique to give us white guilt.

>national socialism
>not socialist
Ok retard.

He was based as fuck. Kangolese are worth less than a penny IMO.

They're either Calvinists or anabaptists. Of course they're not actually Christian.

What? Are you an idiot, the Belgian Congo was a giant point of discussion in the era which it existed and was elevated into public consciousness beyond that by the heart of darkness

they really do

You realize this thread is making fun of people like you right

>hitler was bad so he is not socialst :'(

National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei

National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party

All non-failed states are socialist to a degree. Don't know why Americans make it out that NSDAP being socialists was something crazy and indicative of socialism being bad.

Delusional Mehmet.

I didn't know turks had the stupid too, guess not

>They're either Calvinists or anabaptists. Of course they're not actually Christian.
And you are a...?

>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
>not democratic
Ok dumbo

That was just to woo away people from the Communist parties, they still had private enterprise, albeit with some state oversight, like China.

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>Zig Forums reading comprehension
holy shit you guys are all such fucking retards. reread the text at the top again you illiterate monkey subhumans

What about killed people/time unit?
That's a pretty interesting parameter.
Nothing beats the atomic bombings in this regard.

Is it true that Nazism is just Judaism but less intense i.e. extreme ethnocentrism?


It doesn't at all seperate Leopold and Hitler from Mao and Stalin it's clearly calling all of them socialists.

>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
>not democratic
Ok fat

Because nobody cares about lelgium and everyone talks about Hitler and Stalin instead

Because Stalin was a Pole

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>Wtf is Christian about not giving kids food?
>Daily reminder that American "Evangelicals" are not Christian.
Cucktholics do that too

Belgium is just a buffer state anyway.

It is a recent phenomenon to try and extend white guilt over as many people as possible, before it was just guilting Germans, but then the Holocaust was used to guilt all whites, things like Leopold was just to add more substance to this ploy.

Here we go again.

>Congo Free State
>not free
Ok mutt

nazi economy was socialist, get over it
also socially they were just like soviets, what a surprise