Spain introduces universal basic income!!

Americans are SEETHING

>noooo you can't just give poor people money for free!!!!
>we don't even have free healthcare it's not fair!

haha, gringo goes loco

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Please nuke us
That money goes to moors and gypsies, I'm sick of this shitty country that loves socialist populism

>news about spain
>OP already crying about muh america
rent free while i make $700/wk on unemployment kek. good news for spain though, hope the ones on Zig Forums get good $ from the plan

>nooooo this minority will collaterally get money alongside most of my fellow white spaniards
nigger behaviour

I hope this proves successful so other countries follow Spain's example.

>alongside most of my fellow white spaniards
Not happening, also
> white
Pick 1

Ubi will benefit everyone you retard


These people live on state subsidies, while the average worker is plundered every month to pay these parasites.

It's a disgrace that people like you exist, we did a bad job allowing you to survive.

its probably for those people to waste that money on small businesses so they dpnt go bankrupt and fire/layoff workers


i dont care about my fellow white spaniards if they are lazy

Has it been passed?


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you must wage cuck yourself or you are not based

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>3 billion
>50 million population
>literally 60 euros per person
Wow it's fucking nothing. The corona checks we got were more.

that's propaganda. It's not universal income, it's the same as always.
With your grandfather owning a house in a remote part of the country, a house that is falling apart and where there is no work, you no longer have a choice of any help.
In the meantime, the shitty moors take this aid and enjoy it in their own countries, with the help of the Spanish NGOs that take a commission.

3bn divided by 47m (population of spain) is 64 euros. Not really that much

No. You can't just unironically give money to lazy people. A lot of Americans are weathering this lockdown pretty good desu. We don't have a need for that.

Leyes de Indias

yes because everyone is +18 yo

>working for salary until you're 70 so Mr. Goldberg can afford his 15th yacht is the only way to live

I honestly don't get it. This kind of cope was understandable when plague was a thing, not in the age of the internet when a goblin like Zuckerberg can get billions off facebook stock and governments have literally trillions to give away to corporations that spent it on stock buybacks instead of infrastructure.

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That money goes to ME

Those were ordered by the church, weren't?

Who pays for it ?

Why don't you just buy stocks if it's so easy?

Sure thing user, I'll just be born to wealthy parents who'll give me the 400 to 1 million in seed money I'll need to start the first round of investments.

You realize sucking the shriveled cocks of the rich won't earn you anything more than crumbs, right user?

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I don't think the governent gives billions to that French guy so he could buy stocks. Like your government does. Or any other neoliberal shithole does.

I pay a part of it

>All of this at the expense of Germany's taxpayer money
I hope every single bureaucrat in the EU dies a painful death.

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Good luck, Spain!

You don't need to be a billionaire to buy stocks retard.

you mad bro ?

Looked at the wrong flag.

Exactly, they will burden the worker even more. Fucking bolshevik parasites.

Stocks can go for like 10 dollars. Stop bullshitting and admit you have no idea about what you're talking about.

you need pre-existing wealth to do so


>t.never worked a day in their life
Pull up those bootstraps.

What? This isn't UBI, it's just a welfare check for disadvantaged families. That has existed for decades in Europe...

>Americans are SEETHING
Trump is literally doing the same

wish i was rocking sweet 10% returns on my 200€ worth of stocks ill be rich in no time

*Roma and Arab people, VOXcel.

Buy more then.

If the state has the money and it is implemented properly it could work. The idea of universal income is that EVERYONE, working or not gets it. It increases the purchasing power of a nation by making more people being able to buy more.