>strongest nation in the world
>strongest military in the world
>strongest military in history
>can and would wipe out the rest of the Earth if we wanted
>counties grovel at our feet
>in just 250 years we have a greater history than Europe in thousands
>more freedom than any other nation
>our poorest are still richer than most of the world
>the world literally revolves around us
>the only relevant nation on Earth
>has won every major war we were involved in
>impossible to invade us
>impossible to stop us
>lives in the heads of all third worlders rent free
>causes Zig Forums to seethe uncontrollably
It feels good to be an American.

Attached: 6702c3-20150323-washington.jpg (1000x582, 61.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this is the best country in the world tho

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Attached: Screenshot 2020-05-06 at 9.40.54 AM.png (828x1078, 994.71K)

Pero ésta no la vas a tener nunca yanqui envidioso

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this thread definitely needed a cuántascopastenésposter

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America is a declining empire. Not that I'm happy. I'd rather have America as the leading world power over China but the power balance is shifting.
Every great empire collapses.

Based Mexican

Nice cope. America will never fall.

>martsharter still assblasted about so he made a thread about it

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imagine having this big amount of delusion

Idk, seems like China is taking over.

uh oh

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>more cope

And soon first ever white country turned into a third world nation

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Their economy is already 16 trillion. And they're growing faster .Remember they only have to be 1/4 as productive to beat America economically

Xi control directly 1300’000’000 people and he can do whatever he wants

Trump/ecc. actually need to make people happy to get elected.

Have you seen the coronaChan?
Guess what country is not in recession this year

It's over Americels. Remember all the racist comments you made about China on your funny little website? They'll all be used to determine your social score.

guys stop
he is based americano bull

in a decade we'll be Brazil 2.0

>can and would wipe out the rest of the Earth if we wanted
vietnam, north korea, iraq, afghanistan are on earth

Blah blah blah I can't hear you over my freedom.

greatest empire

Bye bye, bro

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Europeanisher shocked, faints, American rocks!

Attached: Gthfwhesapretentiousassholebutgoddamn_ccf4486fd7db3f375acec073f4a19be0.png (750x724, 798.62K)

Dir ist schon aufgefallen, die Übersetzung ist „European“, oder?
Bin nicht der andere übrigens, nix zu tun mit den anderen Amis auf‘m Faden

But that's not the US?

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