What went so right?

What went so right?

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Literally the worst nations on planet earth, with the lowest living quality, lowest salaries, civil wars, terrorism, contant homicide, authoritarian shitholes

blond blue eyed women are the solution to all human problems


and also the cause

Mutts law
You people literally cant think of anything else

and that's a good thing

Demographically: Small populations, northwest European genetics
Geographically: Cold winters allowed these people to adapt to seasonal harshness which incentivised evolving to cope with long-term strategising and planning, which makes for a more intelligent people.
Also access to ports and coasts which helps promote constant trade, shipping, importing.
Culturally/Spiritually: Protestantism, specifically Lutheranism, which evolves from that to promote liberalism, egalitarianism, human rights, education, welfare
Materially: Plentiful oil reserves, plentiful woodland


viking genes
god knew there can't be perfect things, so he punished them with arabs and somalis to balance things out, and give other countries a chance

I want finnish gf. ;-;

Quiet down and get back to work in the pulp mill, Pablo.

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Being white.

Holy fuck no. Stick to your peoples.

He's just mad we didnt immigrate there and instead they got spaniards and italians

Only scandinavians are white, and even most of them aren't really

Only somalis can?


Fuck, I forgot about the somalis.
Day ruined.

Nah finn bro, even if you're half asian I sill consider you white. Finns are actually probably the most white northern country, considering how the others have so much more refugees.

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kys mexican

Flat faced, round headed finns will never be equal to me

Mexicans are dope, americans are our enemy

The Swedes gave us fun things, Russians gave us more fun things and now we can play with our fun things, maybe giving someone else something fun things some day.

There's a cute new Somali cashier at one of my usual grocery stores and now I can't go there anymore because I'd stare

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The term "white" is an americanism.
We're not white, we're nords

Bug face

Nordic itself comes from a racial term lol

If you want to keep trying to be smart you're going down Sweden's path dude

What do you have to lose if finland is considered north eastern europe or baltic?

Everyone considers you nordic

Everyone considers you gay. Are you going to start sucking dicks out of peer pressure?

For no reason at all, finns can barely pronounce english the right way, look completely different to scandis, have different genetics and folklore.

You're mad because of the meme. It's just banter user. Send a Walmart monster back if you want.
You can be both silly.


Cleary, the key is matching flags.

Eww, it's that schizoid incel welfare leech again.

Sorry, I replied to you on accident. I meant to reply to .

How are you today Finn lad?

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Lol, ok man, I thought I could give you some tips but you guys mad

I still love you bro, no homo.

Our boys wicked smart

Stay far far away from anything nordic, please

Snus och kaffe

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baserat och lösprillat

Willing to trade somalis for finnish girls, just hit me up bros