I’m a guy who is 6 ft tall, blonde, blue eyed. I’m German-Irish.
I have never been that into white girls. Even when I was in elementary school I had crushes on the few Latina and Asian chicks that I had classes with.
I won’t necessarily not fuck a white girl, it’s just that I prefer literally every other race over them. And when it comes to white girls, the ones I prefer the most are Southern Europeans/Meds, followed by pale girls with dark hair.
Only Zig Forums cares, just let your dick guide you
Liam Nelson
Based, blonde girls are garbage.
Evan Lewis
interesting, I have green eyes and can't feel attraction to women who have them.
John Martin
Nice blog Post faggot
Dominic Hill
>I’m German-Irish. Typical mutt.
Juan Sullivan
It doesn't matter what you "prefer" because you're a worthless incel who should be grateful for even the smallest amount of female attention. You'll take whatever you can get and you'll like it, faggot.
Ryan Garcia
But the least desirable white girls for me are honestly my own kind, Aryan chicks. I didn’t have any sisters, and my mom has brown hair, so it wasn’t like I had a bad experience with an Aryan girl in formative years.
I will say though that white girls have annoyed me with a lot them embracing the neoliberal feminism that is damaging this country. Yes, I know there’s women of all races involved but it really is led by white women.
There’s even been a new acronym for them. AWFL’s (American White Feminist Liberals).