How can a country be so large (270 million) and be such a poor shithole and yet have such an astronomically low murder rate (0.4 per 100,000)? I'm impressed. That's incredibly based.

Attached: Indonesia.jpg (600x400, 9.31K)

Actually, by Southeast Asian standards they are quite developed. It's because they have a large Chinese population

Only alpha males commit crimes. All asians are sissies

You can't have murders if you never investigate murders


you can tell the judge or the police the murder didn't happen if you bribe them or have right connections

Stop talking about us. We're irrelevant. Go bother Singapore or Vietnam instead.

Stop with the victim complex, it's ok to be talked about.

I'll talk about you all night, sweetie

seriously though, how's life going Indobro?

Attached: 1403780847796.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

How would you even kill somebody on Java without having 10 witnesses

Indonesia isn't a poor shithole

murdering people is pain in the ass
t. knower

I've seen a lot of mob killing videos from Indoesia

Would rather you not use that choice of words, thanks

why do you get butthurt over some words

Don't use that word either please

Based af

Attached: w.jpg (880x1266, 172.77K)

Letting you guys have democracy was a mistake

can you come closer i can't really hear you

Attached: Untitled163.png (650x365, 279.35K)

Bribes will always be a thing in democracy, don't be denial that first worlder don't do this too.

The coup against Sukarno and the genocide that followed it was a CIA-backed operation

Based CIA

Don't pretend that the US doesn't do this

Didn't Obama promise minorities free phones if they voted for him?

Your webm is set in 98, right after soeharto got deposed because if economic crisis. It's a little bit better now our hdi is ok (for 4th most populated country anyway) and like 99% population is literate and we have the biggest GDP out of all asean countries . Corruption is still a problem and radicalism/fundie islamist is kind if getting traction but hey it's better than full blown race war and massacre like just one years before your webm clip

Bribery is peak democracy. Corruption is the oil of development.

Is Saudi really funding religious extremism?

Holy based NasbungCHAD!!

i dont know about other region but in bali we dont have many murder here. i think its because we have local based culture security (pecalang) along with formal police. plus trust level here is relatively high bc our balinese communal culture. Our house gate dont even need lock bc it just so safe here. i think murder is more likely caused by wealth gap, the region that have highest murder in indonesia is where most chinese/multicultural people live like south sumatera and jak*rta
at least because of that we dont have communism

Is communism really that bad that the coup was worth it?

Can you just go back?

soekarno version of communism is kinda weird, its called Nasakom (nationalism, religion and communism). if it was implemented i think its not going to end really well

>Dutch spelling