I suffer in America

>I suffer in America

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>In America


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What causes people to type that ?. Mass psychosis ?

i dont even, i know its twitter but still.

Whites put themselves in a position where it's easy to emasculate them.

it's just classic american racial-sexual insecurity. the whites there have it, the blacks there have it, the asians there have it. the only ones who don't seem to give a fuck are the latinos.

How do these types of tweets even get thousands of likes anyway

Maybe the indoctrination is worse then i thought.

Chad Olmecs

Attached: olmec.jpg (225x225, 8.19K)

whites battled against whites to defend non-whites, in the past, for this?
i see why the fear against rightist leaders, as white-guilt disappears, so does empathy :)

There’s plenty of niggers and cuckolds in twitter in case you haven’t noticed

Being an incel. He just wants to larp as a BVLL online. Notice how he doesn’t have himself as his profile picture

Do average black and hispanic males these days have at least 5 girlfriends?

literally everything will get likes as long as you have at least a few followers
Trump could literally type "peepee poopoo" and still get 400k likes

Because it is okay to be racist towards white people for some reason. I'm not mad or anything because the blacked fantasy that Zig Forums pushes doesn't happen often in real life, but websites like twitter have a double standard that is obvious to see when comparing whites to other races. If this tweet was about black people, twitter would've deleted the tweet and potentially suspended the account.

No insecure non white incels just like to pretend they are chads online

American latinos are usually tri-racial. Myself included. I am 10% black, and interestingly enough my dick is 10% of my body mass.

Not that hard when your 4’10’’

Maybe, but that's because he's the President. This is just some rando.

I used him as an example because he is one of the biggest accounts on twitter and I often see him say retarded gibberish
what I said applies to pretty much anyone though

Latinos are the “race” with the largest penises on average

only in florida, most are of mexican descent

self reported bullshit, I have a small penis and so do most americans of mexican descent

Im on the east coast, most are puertorican.

Most latinos in america are not puerto rican

Plain racism is seen as silly, people simply don't give a shit if you are white or black as long as you act like a normal person, if a black guy acts like a nigger then he will get called out, if an indio acts like a nigger he gets called out, but they don't get discriminated if there is no reason to do it.

Here in the USA we have the opposite problem: white people who act like they're black and try to be black

I don't know how true this is, but I've gone on dates and fucked three girls I later found out had bfs, two were white, one was chink (the bfs)
this only started happening in my late 20s
this is probably why though

No, only the chad ones.

My penis is 6.4 inches FLACCID

are you of mexican descent?


post penis, lets see if you are not lying

The cope by black men at this point is just fucking pathetic. i know you didn't grow up with a dad, but it's time to grow up and put your women in their place instead of spending your time shooting each other or posting on the internet about your fantasies about how white women totally don't find you to be violent thugs. I honestly hope they find themselves soon, this mental illness is causing societal problems.

>Liking people who already has a bf/gf
Racial dumb shit aside,
Why are you such old cucks?


Your good

Mmm it's shiny and smooth