Risk thread: do you want to find love in JAPAN edition

We'll start at five players.
Every ten minutes we'll have a mupdate.
>name faction
>colour faction
>starting location
As usual, get a tripcode and don't forget to tally your bonuses as I won't bother.

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deleting Catarina, so don't mind that ;p

>Faction name: Bush Did 7/11
>Color: Red
>Starting Location: Benghazi

Jesus fuck mate its so fucking late for the relevant part of the world.
Would play if 5h ago.

I'm in

Baltic Fisherman Union

You're right and this is probably a stupid idea, but i'm willing to throw the Amerilards a bone and host a game.

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Thanks OP, i've been waiting days for a Risk thread


Give up your details then, you British cunt.

Spill into Latvia

Also; because of the time, if at any point I get only one response per mupdate, i'm dropping out.
Don't forget to mention your spills at any given time.
Try to make it easy on sleep depraved me.

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For the sake of speeding things up i'll join the game as some insignificant little shit country.
>Desert Human Trafficking Bazaars
>Western Sahara

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The retarded faction
Light blue


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I'll put your spills in historical Armenia (Turkey).
One more player and we're off to a start.
Also for the sake for fairness, any new player gets a +5 region bonus the later they join the game. See it as late statescraft, like with Italy and Germany in the real world.

If you dislike this rule, tell me and i'll remove it.

Spill in Sicily and Southern Italy if I have any


Spill from the Van and Yerevan area. Thanks for hosting the game brole

Never played Risk before, what do spills mean


Launch! The world's at war.
What will become of this sodden tale?
We'll learn in ten minutes.
Any niggers that don't make the mark of 10 minutes wait until next mupdate.

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Light Blue
Eesti is Besti :DDDD

Oh cheeky, forgot you.
I'll put you + your new roll.
Where unaccounted for points go to.
Say you didn't expect to get quints.

rip spot's taken, nevermind then

Fill rest of southern Italy. Put spill in Crete

Keep filling Latvia. If any left spill east into Russia

Where's the retarded faction?
Retarded factions spills north on the pontus area after it spills in Armenia

feelsbadman. Just play somewhere else.

Fill the rest of Benghazi, and also take Tripoli

Name yourself

Bush Did 7/11

Want to spill in the Pontic region north of Western Armenia