Surprise, Surprise

>Bolsonaro represents the same criminal, corrupt elite who abuses his political powers for personal gain at the expense of the people

B-but Brazilians on Zig Forums swore to me he was different! They said I'm just a stupid leftie, who knows nothing of Brazil! They said Bolsonaro is based and would fix Brazil's problems.

Oh no wait, he's trying to save his criminal son using his presidential power, and he handled Covid so badly, Brazil become the second most infected country on the planet

Bravo. I warned you but you didn't listen.
Why don't you ever listen???

Attached: brazil.jpg (1500x1000, 759.78K)

I will vote for him again in 2022

imagine thinking there is such thing as a "different" politician when our whole society is corrupt to the absolute core

The absolute state of brazil a PERUVIAN is telling us we are a corrupt shithole and we can't say nothing because he's right

Zig Forums thread please leave

Oh noes heaven forbid there's a thread on Zig Forums that isn't a general or some stupid meme

People that voted on him really didn't made their research. It was quite obvious that Haddad was a much better choice.

Bolsonaro gained votes because he used the people's anger at crime and corruption in his favour. Being a irrelevant(but loud) career politician meant that he wasn't caught in most corruption scandals, so people thought he was really honest

That's not even the whole thing.

>wants to exploit and distribute amazonian lands to his croonies.
>wants to get rid of the brazilian central bank, one of the most profitable in the S.A..
>wants to irregularly exploit some of the lands where diamonds are most prolific in the world through his associates.
>wants to exploit the militia he is tied to from his State to the whole country.
>wants to control Federal Police, so he, his families, his militias and general croonies won't be investigated.

It goes on, and on.
Avarage brazilians were so dazzled by his sweet talking against "commies" and "feminazis", that they seem to still not really grasp where they are headed to. Policies are not something they actually engage with, just petty politics, and "turn down for what" circus.

It's impossible to discuss politics on Zig Forums. because pol isn't only politics, but politically incorrect, which means that it attracts the bottom of society

that's how they get elected everytime
now, a teen I can understand
but there are literal 30+ yo, some of which are youtubers, that bought the fucking hype