I just went to the gas station and got 50 leedurs of gas, then I drove 8.04672 keelomeedurs to buy a 113...

>I just went to the gas station and got 50 leedurs of gas, then I drove 8.04672 keelomeedurs to buy a 113.398 grammer at McDonalds

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US schools have been using metric for decades. We always use SI units in school/textbooks and human units outside of school, that’s just how it is.


They taught metric when I was in elementary school 20 years ago. They've always taught metric in most schools in the US. Still, we'll never change over to metric as our official system. It would be too expensive.

How do you think other countries did it
everybody didn't just always use metric

I don't see how that changes anything. It would still be too expensive for our government to even consider. That money needs to go to the military industrial complex and Israel.

In all of the sciences we use metric. If you ever took a high school science class, you had to know your metric very well, I remember we even had tests on it.
There's no real benefit to switching to the metric system for us, when the imperial system is very very flawed, but accurate and doesn't really hold us back in any way, at least for daily life. I don't see how switching our road signs from mph to kph does anything

Because every other country did the same expensive transition, we did it in the 70s

Are you making fun of us or Canadians? We say it "killomeedurs"

>just give up part of your culture because the rest of the world does something differently

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Well I learned American by watching Tour of Duty in my youth, maybe that explains it.

Yeah we get that you did it now why would we

In Canadian high school carpentry program they teach it in imperial system

it's slightly more efficient and will pay for itelf in the long run

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Actually it's more "killomiders". It's weird, we say "killomider" for kilometer, but "meeder" for miter and "keelo" for kilo. Hmm, haven't really given this much thought until now.

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I needed that thank you

>US schools have been using metric for decades. We always use SI units in school/textbooks and human units outside of school, that’s just how it is.
Then how come Americans have no clue how to convert between the two and are so confident SI is worse/less convenient

Met her

Met what?

20g of robusta coffee and 400ml of water is how i measure my morning cup

2 spoons of coffee, glass filled up with boling water, stirr for a little bit, tah dah

Whats ozil affraid of?

Wrong thread?

Did OP post a fake article?

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Seen it before though.

>american culture

They teach both in America, with standard used for practical things and metric used for scientific purposes

im still pissed that singapoor uses murika units for property.

What do non-Americans say for things that are smaller than a meter, but way larger than a few centimeters? Do you actually say shit like "space these holes 3 decimeters apart"?


imperial units are complete fucking cancer
I wish america would switch to metric for everything, it would be so much easier. I don't know why the fuck americans think that metric units aren't "practical" or "human". It's just because they don't use them and aren't accustomed to them that they seem that way.