Is immigrating to a different country basically an admission that your country sucks?

Is immigrating to a different country basically an admission that your country sucks?

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Yes, that's why I want out.

What took you so long to realize it?


Not always, no.
For example if my dream is to teach english to cute japanese girls

Potentially, but more than one thing can be good.

it's an admission that you're a faggot who would rather jump ship than help to make your country a better place

no, there is many reason why one may immigrate at different country and it not mean that home country sucks.

in many such case home country is better.

That is a very simple way to view the reason for people moving to another country

Can someone explain to me why language professors have to be native speakers of the language they teach?


I'd rather jump ship than sink here. I'm not the captain anyway.

What makes you think that? I have an Afghan-born friend who has taught English abroad in China.

Why can’t they just have natives learn English?

Not always, sometimes you want to do something specific and doing it requires living elsewhere

Okay let me know when you fix america retard

Why pay for higher education at all if you have an internet connection?

but isnt this what your ancesotrs did?
You wouldve been in europe if they didnt

It’s that an admission that all your ancestors (and by extension you) are nothing but lazy cowards?

How am I gonna fix the weather here? Going to Spain

Most of the time, yes. How many English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (good countries) immigrate to the middle east? How many middle eastern people move to europe? People will never admit it, because it means there is a root problem with the country they have left.

My ancestors came here when it was just another part of the British empire though

So when Europeans immigrated to America it was an admission that Europe sucked in comparison?

Maybe it's just because you're bored. I know I'm nored of the US and want to move to a South American country. Any suggestions ?

can't fix the population's retardation, rudeness, lack of culture, weather and arab countries around.

They can and they do but having a native speaker is more “prestigious”

yes, and they were right. they were in fact faggots when they first landed in the US, but exposure to the american lifestyle of them eventually

The comparison isn't the same.It was a different era where it was more about wanting exploration and ownership of land than just strictly quality of living. Middle easterns of today will move to a different continent and then claim that continent is inferior to the continent that they came from. It's illogical and I don't understand it.

What about all the Europeans who came long after America had been settled in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

this is probably a joke but theres unironically a good amount of uneducated retards out there who genuinely believe this

Coward pilgrims is what I always say

not necessarily, it could just be better for your field of work or maybe you are a weeaboo, britaboo, ouiaboo, etc. just because the country you move to might be better for you doesnt mean your home country sucks

Maybe they did feel America was better, but I haven't emigrated to America so the point is mute. My point is the people who leave to come to europe, yet insist that the values from their own country are better. The point obviously doesn't apply to the people who stay in their country. If I emigrate to America and yet still insist England is better, only then would i be wrong.

Don't do anything silly

Yes it is. If you move to another country, you cannot call yourself a true member of your original nation. You renounce all claims to being one (lose all right to have any sort of opinion of what goes on there after you left) and have to assimilate into your host country completely.

But in truth, its actually the better of 2 evils

So all of your ancestors were faggots?