Why don't they just become one country?

They have the same culture and the same language, right?

Attached: southamerica.jpg (635x662, 59.92K)

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Some Brazilian is going to come in here screaming their totally different but he's lying. They all have the same poverty crime and corruption and racial makeup.

Just like in Canada or the U.S.A
why people migrate?
beats me.

Attached: screenshot-www.cbc.ca-2020.05.png (736x837, 497.54K)

Shut up fucker your country won't exist in 30 years

Say goodbye while you can Zheng Muhammad Tyrone


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Brazil is literally new africa, we are not similar racially. They are full on fat lipped nappy haired changos.

Why don't they just become one country? They have the same culture and the same language, right?

Attached: 110616449-vector-map-of-east-asia-continent-with-countries-capitals-main-cities-and-seas-and-islands-names-in-.jpg (1263x1300, 127.95K)

Doesn't matter it will always be a better place to live

South Asia is pretty radically different from east. Also there's a clusterfuck of religions in south east Asia. Not similar to Europe which is mostly Christian

based baitposters

Yeah and Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica and several other countries don't have blacks
Shut up chi

Canada is welcome to become the 51st state anytime

t. Quèbec

Brazillians don't speak Spanish. Only 10% of Brazillians have ever studied Spanish formally in school.

Most Spanish speakers can't understand Portuguese for shit

Why would the US want more faggots and Chinamen? There's enough of those in California

No we don't have the same culture. I'd pair us like this though.
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia
Argentina, Uruguay
Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti

I can understand Portugal Portuguese but can't understand a lick of Brazilian Portuguese.

Translate what you understand from this, please

someone wants a (you) badly but it's not getting it


We're united against firstoids and we kidnap and rape them when they show up here

Ok we can have regular Canada be the 51st and you guys can be 52nd

Countries we share several things in common with, in no particular order: Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, DR, PR, Cuba, CR, Nicaragua. Brazil (except the language).

The rest are just too different and a union with them wouldn't work out in the long term

>Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti
really based

rent free

Wonderful bait, well done.

Attached: cool4ruwk.png (1056x591, 772.34K)


the fluffiest

Attached: uouo.gif (709x625, 1.82M)

I honestly call them all mexicos. Some are just further south than others. They all act and sound alike. Easier than remembering countries.

your cunt is more similar to mexico than any country in south america

Yeah, but like I said: it is just easier to call you guys south mexico. Bolivia? Ecuador? Where are they? Just south mexico to me tbqh.