If Macedonians are Bulgarians then how come their y DNA is closer to Serbs than Bulgarians?

If Macedonians are Bulgarians then how come their y DNA is closer to Serbs than Bulgarians?

is this just a bad sample?
there is no majority either,only a plurality which is less than 30% that matches with serb y dna

Because everytime i see a Macedonian take a gedmatch it usually comes back bulgarian.



Attached: DNA-borders-1.png (453x444, 20.05K)

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That's Albania and Kosovo, the part of Serbia that's completely Albanian.

Attached: map.png (868x796, 1.11M)

who fucking cares we're all low iq barbarians

Macedonians are Serbs speaking Bulgarian calling themselves Greek. Ngl they're pretty based, caкaм вe

Bulgarians are also I2. That map is wrong

And Greece is E like Albania

i had feeling this was serbian propaganda

send link to what youre sayin?


Your map is just abhorrently wrong

Attached: 1594551765104.png (860x1022, 67.5K)

its from reddit and it was made by a serb soooo....