Why are they talked so much about on this board?
No offence to them, but what warrants this level of discussion?
I can't name a single Finnish person. They're most famous for inventing the sauna and some internet memes.
Why are they so talked about?
Why are they talked so much about on this board?
they only make threads about themselves
this thread is made by finn through proxy
So many Finland threads today :)
Thank you for mentioning Finland
i am literally from finland
i want to sex a girl with a biological penis borned in finland (also known as suomi)
They put on proxies and make threads about themselves. Reminder to never reply to a fingol thread
When are they getting rangebanned
I wonder why it's always Western and Central Europeans who get upset about Finns
One of the most powerful nation's on earth
>They put on proxies and make threads about themselves. Reminder to never reply to a fingol thread
A lot of Finns are rangebanned. I used to not be able to post any images on Zig Forums for many months but I can now.
Words that need to be bsnned
Well, although small Finland is relevant, and brought to the world Ikea and great artists like Basshunter and Pewdiepie.
haha literally me xD
suomi mentioned
90% of the time it's Finns talking about themselves
I agree, maybe this would prevent all the seethers from making retarded threads in a pathetic attempt to insult us
Fuck hiroshmoot and tranny jannies for doing that shit, can't upload for almost a year already
finns should post more
they're angels
These words are what I always search for in the catalog upon checking Zig Forums after a break
You must be new here
Except for this one, all Finland-related threads in the catalog were started by Finns. Why are they on an Zig Forumsernational board when all they talk about is themselves?
Half of those threads were started by immigrants and Fenno-Swedes(which are, in fact, the same thing)
most of those, no actually every single one of those, are the fucking fennoswede seethin. He has been at it the whole damn day.
no it's the same Fennoswedish dude who makes them all, with the POSSIBLE exception of the last one. The romanian and the mu
auto-sent before I could finish. Meant to say:
*The romanian and the mulatto have been silent for a bit
The other one is not about Finland.
>>I can't name a single Finnish person.
>Pakistani education
There are many other characters
>half-Finnish half-Russian guy from Helsinki who hates Finns and everything outside Helsinki
>many others
>names 1
Because imageboards in Finland are normal
Or at least that's what I heard
ok dude I know we can be annoying posters but it's also unfair to say we only make posts about ourselves or whatever when every example you linked (except maybe one, but probably that too) was made by the same psychotic moron.
yeah but the fennoswede is the currently relevant one. He has a distinctive writing style. Why do we make so many outsiders seethe? For a while there was a Polish and a Belgian flag too.
Not the regular everyday autism but the kind that develops when entire nation is snowed in 3/4 of a year where sunlight is seen for 1-3 hours a day and alcohol costs you a fortune.