How the hell do Europeans get laid if they don't have a car and use public transportation...

How the hell do Europeans get laid if they don't have a car and use public transportation? If you use public transportation daily here you'd never get pussy.

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If you don't have a car you'd never have sex

Euro towns and cities aren't designed so they can't be navigated without cars.

So by and large no one gives a shit if you drive or not.

The real question is where do Meds bring women to fuck when they all live with their parents


I have a car but it's so hilariously cheap and shitt I'd be better off showing up on a bike.

>If you use public transportation daily here you'd never get pussy.
It depends where you live but that’s only because in a lot of places public transport is only used by low class.

Truthbomb: the med posters here are lying and don't have sex. Only the ones that actually moved out of their parents place like a normal young adult are engaged in relationships and have sex.
Why do you think they are on Zig Forums?

in the studios that our parents rent for us while we are at uni ?