Imagine the world without white people
Imagine the world without white people
You would not exist.
we would be colonising the universe if not for white men.
Finns are Asian -- not white.
This is what Sweden used to be about.
Oh fuck, guess that means I’m a hapa
no, you are just a fag
The Roman Empire would have never ended
Imagine white people without the world.
...then you wake up!
Finland was created by swedes
Private Rodriguez, you're not white.
it is a fact that white people invented the modern civilization and the shittiest white countries like moldova work better than mexico
Which stds are number 1 and 2?
Swedes are gay and rainbows aren't white so you're not white either.
We should’ve stayed gatherer hunters even agriculture can suck my dick
No one can go against the Chinese.
how would you survive in 50 degree heat without technology?
No middle easterners invented civilization if it wasn't for Islam or Mesoptomia, whites would still be shitting themselves in the snow like they did back in the Medieval Ages or in Pre-Roman pagan times.
He's an Arab. They're evolved for sand life.
Pfffff...sheet metal, alphabetical script, clothes, electricity...Too much of white ppl stuff.
dude, the inferiority of the islamic world was already proven at the point where wahhabism took over the continent and stayed that way for the whole millenium
europeans on the other hand always tried to seek answers for their questions on nature
Just stand in the shade
just cover your head
>Not denying he's Private Rodriguez
You're not white, and even if you were joining the army as a volunteer shows you have no better career path kek
>if it wasn't for Islam
i'm just sick of getting called out as a private martinez every god damn time i try to type in proper english you mong
judging by the fact that you're still baited i think my english has got much better
Hay rooftops on futuristic high-tech skyscrapers?