Do you guys also browse Zig Forums or are you only active on this board?
Do you guys also browse Zig Forums or are you only active on this board?
>browsing Zig Forumsddit
>browsing Zig Forumswitter
pol is boring
I'm too conservative to browse Zig Forums
I used to browse /his/ a lot but these days I'm almost exclusively here
Zig Forums is the only board I really only go on. I don't get the jokes, the culture, and the memes of the other boards.
Only Zig Forums and Zig Forums
I tried but it is not usable.
All the nice threads get buried and die without even any replies.
It's almost as if there is constant astroturfing keeping on the shit threads alive.
no, Zig Forums is too american and too schizo
ma nigga
Of course, they actually engage in earnest conversations there and don't just shitpost tired ass repetitive memes and form their entire geopolitical worldview based entirely around them
Zig Forums gets repetitive and boring after a while
/his/ is just a better version of it
I only browsed Zig Forums when the riotings happened and that I night I dreamed about beating jews because they were destroying my country. There are no jews where I live.
/gd/ & /ck/
I browse /leftypol/.
Those boards are good for asking actual questions but too slow for long term browsing.
i like to visit almost every other board just to see whats up
eh yeah, i just leave the tabs open and check one two times a day
I post on at least 12 boards including Zig Forums.
I used to browse Zig Forums but the people there are unironically mentally deranged and if someone farted they would find a way to blame blacks, jews, muslims, [insert ethnic group].
I browse /tg/ because I play mtg and I'll check out /his/ and /k/ from time to time but thats about it
I check /trv/ and /out/ occasionally. I check /jp/ Zig Forums /lit/ and Zig Forums rarely.
I sometimes go on Zig Forums when there's some happening, but these guys have too many mental diseases so I don't stay long. I unironically think Zig Forums is the only board with good people.
Also, Zig Forums rarely but they seem to be like /lit/ in that they don’t like the music I like.
I only post here and /sp/
Forgot to mention /x/ too but it’s usually too schizo.
ah yeah /sp/ too i forgot cause you know the last months...
I almost only posts in /int.
I sometimes lurk in /g or /a for reaction images
Why would l browse polddit of all places
Zig Forums has been absolutely unusable since 2015 and anyone who says otherwise is either schizophrenic or a newfag.
/new/ was fine for the first 2 weeks, then it was just a bad board until 2012, then it competed with Zig Forums for the shittiest board until 2014/15, and now it's a crime against humanity.
i browse occasionally but don't post. Only other board I post on is Zig Forums