Zig Forums memes you never used

What are some popular Zig Forums memes you have never engaged in?

para mi? jomon vs yayoi, i’m too low iq to understand

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Toothpaste, I don't feel it's really an insult as toothpaste is good and makes my breath smells good, and I don't want to compliment Dutch people.

same, also the town rapist, sirgay semenovich, fingol etc
They seem too low iq to be engaged in

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why are you so mad at dutch people? because they’re better?

I'm not mad at them, I just don't feel like they've done anything that deserves a compliment.
I'm actually fairly neutral towards them.
See I even bumped your thread, not once but twice.

Monkey Putin. Seems to forced and makes no sense/too low iq.

The quebecois referendum pic. I would like to use it one day though

>Monkey Putin. Seems to forced and makes no sense/too low iq.

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Do you mean you do not understand the memes or that you just do not engage in them.
