Post in store temperature
Why choose to live in the desert?
What is this in real units
47 Celsius
Arizona niggas be like
>Time for a summer breeze!
Can you cook some eggs in the street?
Sorry I don't speak mutt can someone translate?
>96°F/36°C where I live in the Northeast
God I fucking wish it would rain already, it may as well have been a drought.
Yes. I remember when I lived in Arizona people would put out cookies to bake on their car dashboard. After a few hours they're perfect and your car smells like fresh cookies.
Post humidity or get out of here with this pussy crap
It rained a shitload here and it's still hot
>16% humidity
pussy shit, you aren't feeling shit because of how dry it is
forgot pic
Humidity just makes it worse, you still feel the heat. 50% humidity in my 31 degree city makes it feel like 38 rn
When I lived in Japan (Fukuoka) it was about 33-35°C with 95-100% humidity for several weeks in the summer. No fucking wonder it felt hot as shit.
Here it's comfy.
I have a sweatshirt on in my house right now from blasting my ac
But dry heat
why exactly did people choose to settle there?
how did people survive in that shithole before air conditioners were invented? and how will they survive after emp nukes in ww3 or solar flares wipe out all electricity?
When I was in California, I noticed nobody walked in the slightest. The sidewalks were in pristine condition, like nobody had ever even gotten dirt on them. They live in AC blasted houses, go to work in cars, work in AC blasted offices, go home and then soyface about how sunny weather let's them do stuff year round
>he thinks Arizona heat is dry
Isn't Arizona 10% humidity generally ?
Arizona's average humidity is 38.5%
Yeah but it's fucking 47 degrees there !!! It doesn't matter if it's humid or not it's 40+ all the time there
One common theme you'll find in the US is that rough environments and/or inclement weather often don't deter people from living in places
there are small areas of the country that have been ravaged by tornadoes since their inception, yet they keep on rebuilding every time
I live 40 away from sea and it's dry (40% humidity) phoenix is even further than that and it's desertic so it's almost sure it's dry
That's because even in the most tornado prone parts of the country, your chances of actually getting hit by a tornado are miniscule. People live their entire lives in tornado alley without seeing one. The area is massive and there are only 1000 tornadoes across the entire US each year, most lasting less than five minutes.
Availability of water.
Arizona isn't a desert like you imagine it. It's an arid prairie excellent for ranching and there's several large rivers that flow across it.