Will I be discriminated upon if I travel to Netherlands?
Will I be discriminated upon if I travel to Netherlands?
No, we have a lot of brown people (Turks, Moroccans, etc.) and they do a lot of crime and are still not discriminated.
Rotterdam and Amsterdam are 50% non dutch, so no
I'm white actually (really)
Fug, I'm 5 9, I'm gonna be a manlet
I am 5'10 don't worry about getting bullied people will just ignore you and pretend like you're not there. Also women will not consider the fact you can be a possible partner.
I'm sorry...
then they might think you are spaniard thus you will end up being discriminated
incel please
you'll be fine as long as you're not a muslim
And even if you were a Muslim, you're not Moroccan.
this is good advice you should make sure you don't look Spanish or else bad times are coming. My suggestion is wear something Gucci to indicate you are Moroccan, nobody will dare messing with you.
No its fine .
Thanks frens, If get a job there I'll post about it in the future!
I hope I can get a cute dutch bf
Lmao prepare for worse cost of living and taxes than Argentina. Expats in particular are just preyed upon by landlords
It's literally impossible to get more fucked by taxes than in argentina
oh boy look at this thirdie, he has no idea what's coming
British tourists will throw you in the canal
its fine though as long as you're not a a ghetto
You literally have no idea, if you're able to save up money in a non meme currency, you're already way better than this god-forsaken country
You don't scare me!
Are there many of those in Den Haag?
Anyone else noticed the absurd amounts of Argentinian steakhouses in Amsterdam? There must be more there than in the rest of the country. My city has a total of 1 I think.
I also never heard of any Dutch person eating there, I think it's just for tourists since steak + fries is a very universal thing
none, they're all in amsterdam
>Al Hague
Boy you're in for something. Good news is they don't have canals.
Buitenlanders are fucking everywhere in the randstad so you won't stand out in any way.
The government also does everything in it's power to cuddle expats, to the point where they're almost privileged compared to native citizens. You'll be fine.
>almost privileged compared to native citizens
Yeah having a flat taxrate compared to our retarded progressive one surely isn't outright privileged.
Amsterdam preys on Latin American students, I spoke to a guy who was studying there and he payed 2000 bucks a month for an apartment in the red light district of Amsterdam
kek they always put up ads for latin americans and then shove them in closets
Amsterdam also preys on Dutch students and in particular foreign westerners like Americans and Brits that want to live in the 'Dam pay the absolute jackpot.
Yes I’ve seen that, i have a feeling that you just let anybody study in the Netherlands. I know that a loft of our medicine and psychology students go to the Netherlands because it’s easier to to get admitted there than in Germany, where you need at least a grade of 1,3 to be even considered
I have no clue how this is possible but I have the same feeling. In order to be enrolled in Dutch university you need to have completed a gymnasium/atheneum highschool education here which only about 10% of pupils manages to complete.
However for some reason it seems like every type of foreigner that can write their name can also just get in there. And if they're non-European like Turks, Americans, Chinese, etc they pay a different rate and are always welcome.
why would you go to the netherlands? it's basically the toilet of europe. shit and piss everywhere, moroccans, and dirty rivers.
>why would you go to the netherlands? it's basically the toilet of europe. shit and piss everywhere, moroccans, and dirty rivers.
When I visited I was surprised by the anmount of Argentinian restoraunts and other Latin american.
Many asians too.
Western Europe really is very diverse(in a good way)
>dude weed lmao
>dude going to uni lmao
>is very diverse(in a good way)
And that's a good thing!
Mostly drugs & prostitutes
it’s probably very lucrative for those cities, I could imagine that when you can finesse 2000 euro out of gullible Latin Americans, imagine the inflated prices for weed and other luxuries in places like Amsterdam