What's your plan ?

what's your plan ?

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Die before 35

very good question
it doesn't matter who we are
what matters is our plan

Seriously what's going on with blacks and their obsession with White people?


unironically twitter

Eat Greggs sosig rolls and wank over the thought of here getting bummed.

>what's your plan ?
Make King Leopold looks good and benevolent compared to what I am going to do with niggers.

Are there any nigger who realise this white vs black is the definition of divide and conquer from the bourgeoisie?

jerk to facesitting porn

Why have white men lost their fire? I don't blame white chicks going for Black men only. They are so different from us. Virile... Exotic. They want to OWN the world and live freely

Wrong board

>"""the bourgeoisie""""
from the jews you mean ? and yes

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inferiority complex

Why should Blacks be insecure tho? Especially Black men are on the top of the sexual food chain at least in Europe and the US. I know quite a few Polish model-tier girls that have black husbands

So your gonna kill yourself?


my plan is c00ming on her hair

>Why should Blacks be insecure tho?
lmao is this a serious question
>Especially Black men are on the top of the sexual food chain at least in Europe and the US. I know quite a few Polish model-tier girls that have black husbands
bbc posting hasn't been funny for ages

Bro have you been living under a rock?

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this guy is some third worlder living in germany, he just has a mental issue, ignore him

This needs to happen to bbc/bwc spammers like you noone gives a fuck what you think noone cares about you kill yourself

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what blood

>Why should Blacks be insecure tho?
Because they're a borderline retarded race of losers and slaves that have never accomplished anything? Niggers were kept in cages and sold like animals. Most people don't even consider them human.

I love how this shit isn't racism because some gay "philosopher" explained how only whites can be racist because they have power.
Fuck people like this whatever their skin color, I would shoot them in the face without any remorse, fucking poisonous subhumans thriving from victimization and hatred.

Only way is to make mullatto babies with a qveen

Read about the amerikan obsession with race and you will understand.
Not even Hitler was so obsessed with jews than pinkoide amerikans are with nignogs

>*seething increases*
seek help Ronny (for other lads out there, Ronny is what we call righttards in Germany)

bruh mulatto girls are sooo hot seriously want to live in America. so few black men here in Germany but it's getting better

I think you are spending too much time on computer

What the hell kinda name is Gyasi anyway?

you need to seek help it isnt healthy to spend 24 hours a day spamming unfunny shit about black people literally noone cares about you under god we are all equal black white doesnt matter

uhm I agree with you tho? I want more black immigrants in Germany we need them. of course we are equal under God

Never thought id hate blacks more after all this blm shit.

you act like blacks are superior youre a cringe faggot and a kissles virgin

As a slav I can pass for white so I intend to infilitrate their organizations and sabotage them from within.

Find a qt black girl and make some chocolate kids.

Crashing this board.


You're delusional. Blacks are still the bottom of the barrel, only the most attractive ones make it, but that goes for any race.

To achieve what exactly?