Would you breed with an Indian woman?
Would you breed with an Indian woman?
i'd rather kill myself
Why are you guys so obsessed with sex?
i'd read her my poetry in hindi
while massaging her feet with the palm oil
Damn Indian girls look like THAT
No thanks
This is why Balkans guys are the best. They have good taste (or know what bad taste is.)
>implying that looks good
Why did you post a picture of your own mother?
Get help.
>>implying that looks good
It’s disgusting.
No but I'd ask her to teach me kamasutra desu
She doesn’t look good at all, you could’ve picked a better looking indian desu but she’s ugly
Depends on her looks and personality.
>2/10 would not fuck
Imagine thinking you had a ‘gotcha‘ moment there. Lol. A fat white woman would unironically be better.
My mom is Indian and my dad is white. Don't do it I'm a massive sperg
I would definitely breed this Pajeeta with my Commonwealth Cannon
You are disgusting shut up.
I am going to make so many new-world-indio/old-world-india Ubermutts
I will single highhandedly bring forth a new age bobs and vagene coomers, previously thought impossible
Got nothing to do with your race, kids of one race can be autistic lol
Y-you too
I don't understand the Simping over a caked up face, she didn't even blend that shit into her neck
Have fun with those mutts then and throwing away your heritage lol.
Yes it does, because mixed people are more likely to be depressed because of their looks. Have white children.
No seriously. Think about if your mother saw that post.
No, this is disgusting.
Yeah I know, it was meant to be a joke
how many white children you got
None yet, but I will have my first within the year I marry.
I'm a spic. My heritage is making mutts and throwing away my heritage
Do you always come to the indian threads to complain about them/racemixers? I think I've seen you multiple times
do (natural) blue eyed Indians even exist? I thought they were all brown (of varying shades of darkness)
She comes to every thread about non-white women to complain about racemixers.
What part of Indian is your mom from ?
a lot of indians could pass as hispanic. not the darker ones but the lighter ones could
Don’t want white kids
She did this all last summer just ignore her. She comes around once a year I guess
>tfw no racist white gf to racemix with and ruin her heritage
good luck with that in Der Bidenreich, State Enforced Miscegenation is coming soon
What do you look like?
You are a self-destructive mentally ill individual.
Mestizo. Some people have said I look Indian/Persian/that general area
I'm indian but a mexican friend of mine says I look spanish.
Do you like the idea of destroying things? Like others’ heritage?
You’re a sick individual.
Can tell me what you look like though? Or post an example.
My mom is Gujarati
I think it's a general brown-Caucasoid look. Do you have a hooked/roman type nose?
>What do you look like?
Every time
Sure, same with any other ethnicity.