Hindus have no histo-

>hindus have no histo-

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the taj mahal is literally a muslim building, theres nothing hindu about it


Why would you fall for such weak bait bro

drugs inhibit ones ability to think critically

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I see, do take care of yourself Nigel I hope you aren't out prowling the streets

I don't think anybody has ever said that

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no one ever said they don't have history.
what they don't have is a heritage of respectable, functioning societies that don't revolve around cruelty or a nonsensical conception of reality

Built by Rajputs
Built by Jains
Built by Dravidians

What have Hindus done?

>what they don't have is a heritage of respectable, functioning societies that don't revolve around cruelty or a nonsensical conception of reality

Not going to happen when your border is full of savages.

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pagans from varg/germanics to hindus are the biggest historical revisionists. paganism is about living in a mudhut worshiping statues, it's no wonder they have no history and need to steal others'.
ironically the only pagans that ever accomplished anything were greco-romans and that's just because they ruled the Mediterranean which made them powerful

>nonsensical conception of reality
hindpooism, despite its faults still is more closer to reality than Christcuckery or Dickchoppingpedoworship.

It’s retarded, just like any other. But at least it believes the Earth is round, and gives a timescale of billions of years for the universes’ creation and presents a simulation hypothesis of reality.

>Implying us dravidians aren't Hindus
Take your meds UP sunni

Hindu is a meaningless Persian word. The beliefs of Aryans and Dravidians are very different, despite what your local RSS contingent might tell you.

hinduism's incoherent, unnatural worldview is proven by the fact that nobody, not even Hindus, can succinctly explain an agreed upon definition of Moksha and what Hindus believe the individual's relationship to the rest of the universe is.
despite no explanation of how new, individual souls come to be given that populations grow
despite us being an omnivorous species
>good deed bank account
most religions have it, but they take it to an absurd extreme
>social class is actually different categories of human, not just societal inequity
so naked that i bet even the ancient aristocrats who came up with this couldn't believe they got away with it

Only if you are an absolute retard who only depend on 5-10 min internet articles for his knowledge.

if it takes more than 10 minutes to explain the basic tenants of your religion, then it's probably nonsensical and incoherent.

>have swag
>have sex
>drink milk
>do puja or something

At this rate, my country needs a SparkNotes for fucking existence

>There's brahman, you are part of it but don't realise it, karma and moh keeps you in the cycle, your ultimate aim is to get back to the truth and escape rebirth cycle, the process if by following dharma, in the path you need guidance of gurus their insights and practices, and sometimes a focus medium of god, eventually you realise it and attain the truth.
There, done in 10 seconds edgy fag. Now explain to me the correct form of christianity.

Nice to hear, now please explain the Trinity. The RIGHT Trinity.

time me.

God is the omnipotent, omnipresent entity who created and has dominion over all of seen and unseen reality. God manifests as three connected, but different, entities, like how H2O can be ice, liquid, and steam.
>The Father
basically what you think of when you think of God. The one almighty dude in the sky in charge of everything and everyone.
>The Son
jesus christ was The Father coming to Earth in human form
>The Holy Spirit
formerly known as the Holy Ghost, and ghost is a better way to think of it. it is God's phantom power and essence that silently guides, challenges and empowers humans.
Catholics/Prots and Orthodox trinity is basically the same thing, just Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit controls The Father and the Son whereas Catholics/Prots believe the the Holy Spirit is essentially a vassal of The Father and The Son.

>Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit controls The Father and the Son whereas Catholics/Prots believe the the Holy Spirit is essentially a vassal of The Father and The Son.
What an incoherent mess already. Who controls the interpretation of word of god?

>the cycle
>the truth
>the path
>medium god
you're not explaining your religion if you use a dozen undefined terms that people outside your culture wouldn't understand.

>explain correct christianity
i didn't ask you to explain hinduism, just to concisely explain the most basic tenants of Moksha and how individual souls relate to broader reality. But here's Christianity 101 if you want it:

God is the one, all-powerful, mighty entity who controls all seen and unseen reality. He manifests as three, separate, but connected, parts.
The Father: big nigga in the sky, and who you probably think of as "god"
The Son: also known as Jesus Christ. God in human form come to Earth bc The Father doesn't usually waste time directly interacting with humans
The Holy Spirit: God's silent essence guiding, challenging, and empowering humans

God gave us 10 commandments (golden rules to follow) that basically boil down to: no violence, no treachery, no challenging God. If you follow those commandments, and live according to
a) how the Church tells you
b) how the Bible guides you
you will be rewarded with eternal bliss in heaven. If you don't, you will be punished with eternal punishment in Hell.

The church is God's human organization responsible for more nuanced theology and good works, headed by the Pope and Patriarchs and staffed by Priests. Jesus came to Earth in large part to establish it for us.
Though Jesus mainly came to Earth to die a symbolic and unjust death at the hand of sinful men, so God could let us into heaven. How is that circle squared? It's not agreed upon, and not even that important to understand. Only autistic Prots make a big deal about it. Just be a nice and merciful member of your community.

good thing i answer this question in my broader explanation lol

>it's incomprehensible because i don't know the terms
Wow! so an american guy who doesn't understand even the basic terms of religion can arrogantly declare it incoherent. No wonder everyone call americans stupid and arrogant.

I can't comprehend half of the stuff you said about christianity despite whatever you may think and had many questions but i won't change goalposts like you. You asked for basic tenents now you are making it about educating you about our traditions and language. That will never be done under 10 mins.

>no actually explain to be how individuals relate to boarder reality
Kek, already did, but since you know nothing about the stuff you are talking about in the first place you missed it. I won't waste more time with you.

Also, that wall of text won't divert anyone's attention from the fact how you called hinduism incoherent even though you don't even understand it's basic terms(lmao), and are now trying to pretend all of christianity isn't an incoherent mess and how no one can agree on what's it's correct form.

You are an embarrassing guy.

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basedshut up monkey dindu, stop your """culture"""" fanfix and focus on cleaning up your city