When I went to Korea images was pic related was posted everywhere. They apparently even have a national hangul day holiday. Korean nationalism seems very artificial lol
Korean nationalism is weird
What's that?
Hangul is most glorious alphabet ^__^ jjokbari do not have alphabet because you are monkey barbarian shits
you stole it from the Poos lol
we stole ours from the Chinks
It is primary hangul
It is no related with Jjock bari. Don’t obsessed with Korea. And We will get the apology and compensation.
Didn't south korea use to be (and still kind of is) a right wing dictatorship?
Makes sense to beat hard on the nationalist drum to make people ignore there other problems then.
If japs apologized, would you even forgive them?
It was invented by King Sejong ^__^
Have lots of kids so we can destroy Japan when they become old and weak ^____________^ I never use condom with my girlfriends kekeke
The time has passed for that. Heaven demands revenge for slain ancestors. Jjokbari will die ^____^ all of them ^_________^
When? Where? How?
Based and redpill
With this kind of mentality you will never get the repairations youve been asking for
What? I asked if they did that in the future then would you say "apology accepted, I dont hate you anymore, we can move on"
can you read and write in Hanja or just Hangul?
just apology is not apology. If a two-third of Korean accept a way for jap to apology to Korea, It is real apology.
What kind of apology would you accept?
>an apology isn't an apology
What did they mean by this?
all leader of japan apology for Korea. And it is very important that any people must not blame and complain about their apology.
We don’t want simple apology but need to get complicated apology.
Have you apologized for the korean invasion of Japan though?
What you dont understand is we apologized HUNDREDS of times already. Every time we apologize they say it wasnt enough or ignore it and say they want an apology all over again. They are kind of coo-coo
why are koreans such crying feminazis ?
Did you see western posters responded to this thread? They won't simply give a fuck to normal threads like And then they wonder why they keep seeing koreans and japanese autistically fighting on this board.
I find it amusing how foreigners (especially europeans) project their misleading ideas on my country. Right now we have a die hard communist sympathizer as a president and our relationship with Japan has never been more terrible before. Our right wing wants peaceful cooperation with Japan.
You should give every angry korean nationalist a cute jomon girl for a night to enjoy as an apology. Maybe they would accept this.
>And it is very important that any people must not blame and complain about their apology.
I believe I have misunderstood, could you please clarify what you meant by this.
Many Koreans are disappointing some japs leader saying. Some politician are denying the crimes and give a shit. Therefore so many Korean are annoyed and want to prevent bad mouthes.
We require more harder apologizing way as like this pic.
feat comfort women.
We already did you nut
I know u memeing but south korea truly one of the most if not the most pathetic country on earth lol, the jap literally apologized and transfered all kinds of technologies for south korea but they still live with victim mentality
Asian nationalism is weird
Nigga what the fuck are those faces
How about a really hard math problem that results in the equivalent numbers of the alphabet to make up the word "sorry"?
Would that be complicated enough?
Holy fucking based koreabro. When the times comes I shall join you in the invasion of japan to retake the wealth they stole from our glorious leader Ghosn