Is there anything worse than being born as an Asian man in white men's world?
You're supposed to have a high IQ and intelligent people don't need to look like chads or have at least a medium sized penis to look "atteactive" to women. That's how Asians succeed in life.
Falun Gong propaganda
wh*tes have the highest suicide rates in their own countries
Simply being born as an Asian man is suffering
GOD DAMN would love for her to sit on my face.
This seems fake tbqh. Some incel probably wrote it. The part about them being virgins gives it away.
Who would win the women? A society where developing a personality of your own and being creative is valued OR a society where people are encouraged to work 70 hours a week learning useless shit by heart from childhood to adulthood?
>China has surpassed all western governments combined in supplying scholarships for African students. 20-21 academic year China will supply scholarships for 12k African students
Xi promised me Han chinese nationalism, and now i got this
god damn it
why does falun gong make you seethe so much? you can't stop thinking about them it appears
do you think she fucks burack guys?
Overblown trope propagating mostly by Asians themselves which is the bizarre part
i think only black bvlls can handle that.
thats a canadian, pajeet
It's 52th state anyway...
we love black people
Do you love black people?
Going back to uni soon, how can I get in on this?
Read a bit about what they believe. It’s like Scientology alien shit. They get asylum in America by lying.
No. Whites are second after Maori in NZ, and second after Amerindians in USA and Canada. The problems whites face are amplified among Indigenous peoples.
Asians seem to be doing pretty well overall. Being a white or native American male is much worse.
i dont think white parents are very supportive (morally and emotionally), they are pretty much left to their own once they reach 18 (generally speaking).
It goes much deeper than that, such as white males believing they're entitled to having everything handed to them from the get go simply for being white. Superiority complex and grandiose delusion, and then being met with the reality check that they're not living in the 20th century anymore.
This meme has to die and doesn't explain Indigenous people. I think it's more to do with losing your nation to foreigners and invaders. This does a lot of damage to your psyche which people don't realise, especially men, since women don't care as much about that shit.
what do ricecels have to do with falun gong
Literally a non-issue why are asian men so pathetic. yeah no shit you're not gonna get pussy if you sit inside badmouthing your women and everyone else on reddit all day. extreme victim mentality somehow even worse than those whose identity is built on being a victim. thinly-veiled misogyny and racism because women aren't falling into you lap. ridiculous.
>white males believing they're entitled to having everything
Don't project brazilian thinking. It's the exact opposite because that's what whites are taught from birth. Cases like your pic are rare af, overpublicised, and come from obvious mental illness.
White men are much worse, especially when you consider their age-adjusted suicide rates.
There was a website called Coal Fax that was entirely dedicated to "exposing" white women in relationships with black men.
Its a BBC larper, dont waste time on him.
>Cases like your pic are rare af, overpublicised, and come from obvious mental illness.
:thinking: i pretty much see white roastie hate threads alot more than i see asian roastie hate threads (pretty much non existent from my experience).
>There was a website called Coal Fax that was entirely dedicated to "exposing" white women in relationships with black men.
And? It's so irrelevant it's like citing a blog. The real reason is media campaigns to dismantle their respective identities if not outright self-hatred + fairly recent mass immigration. it's this except indigenous are much worse off because of the extreme difference in their original living to the new. socially they are more than just dismantled, they are animalised.
wtf is wrong with maoris
>The Centers for Disease Control recorded 47,173 suicides in 2017, and there were an estimated 1.4 million total attempts. Many of society’s plagues strike heavier at women and minorities, but suicide in America is dominated by white men, who account for 70 percent of all cases.
>Suicide is far more common among white men in the U.S., the same category of men who feel the world owes them a well-paying stable job, and the respect that comes with that. They have lost employment or face a personal stress, often divorce or estrangement from their families.
>More than half of the cases involved school or workplace shootings (12 and 20, respectively); the other 30 cases took place in locations including shopping malls, restaurants, and religious and government buildings. Forty-four of the killers were white males.
>The headlines have been filled in recent months and years with the stories of the few angry men, mostly younger white men, who carry out mass killings.
Like I said, superiority complex and grandiose delusion. And you yourself is proof of that as you legitimately believe you have it worse than women and minorities, which is absolutely delusional. Women and minorities simply learned how to deal with adversity, white males never had to deal with that until very recently as now they have to compete with women without being coddled by the government 24/7.
"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
Still counts
they are broken people, most of them i know are alcoholics and i believe alcoholics are drinking to hide from something.
Probably the same problems indigenous people from the Americas are facing, like alcoholism or some other form of chemical dependency and the inability to get ahead in life. It's also much harder for them to embrace the very culture that destroyed theirs.
you are insanely delusional. suicide rates are way, way higher in homogenous places like south korea
>why is an image board filled with whites from a white perspective
also your post is extremely twitter-like. cringeworthy. like roleplaying as a melodramatic sassy black woman, which makes it obvious your life is socialmedia. dishonest and anecdotal. you don't care to talk about the topic honestly. you're a seething over a non-issue, or rather an ego issue and incapable of serious discussion.
What does that have to do with anything? The continent with the highest suicide rates is Africa. We're talking about multi-ethnic free societies like America where many different races share the same government and leitkultur.
>dishonest and anecdotal
kek, you dont think your posts make you a hypocrite? and you talk about me seething yet you throw numerous insults at me, lol!
So is this Amerimutt's PSYOP against Chinks? LOL
How much money do they earn by writing this shit?
you also validate brazil user argument that whites suffer from a superiority complex.