jesus christ
>central europe
So what? I lost my virginity at 14 and I don´t regret anything.
>15, 13 if penetration is not involved
based Romania
>13 if penetration is not involved
Are you male or female?
Lol Hungary
>14 (*18)
*18 if you are ugly
And that's a good thing
So other countries are more rich and have lover age of consent? Why did i have to be born here......
Here a tongue kiss is already considered penetration though
>No Sascha just suck dick can't enter finger
So if your like 40 you can legally fuck a 14 year old in Germany?
No wonder the fucking rapefuee fees are loving it there
Male. But my gf at the time was 14 too, so.
so literally a 50 year old man could fuck a 14 year old girl in the ass in germany, austria, italy, balkans, etc and it's 100% legal?
Based 14 countries
No germany is cucked
many such cases
Yes, although there are still rules around it, so in reality it doesn´t really happen. If the courts determine that the girl wasn´t developed enough to make an educated decision about it or you pressured her into it or took advantage of her it´s still illegal. Plus you can not "buy" sex from someone under the age of 18, and that can include gifts or inviting her to an expensive restaurant etc. The courts will look at what happened and will determine if it was within the limits of what is socially acceptable. And of xourse they will take into consideration the age of both parties involved. So just because there is no outright ban doesn´t mean you can do whatever you want. If she´s below the age of 18 it becomes a legal gray area really quickly.
I suffer in italy
good for germany, not victorian cucks
I stayed with her for years though, waiting until we turned 16 wouldn´t have changed anything. It felt pretty much the same.
>If the courts determine that the girl wasn´t developed enough to make an educated decision
What a load of fucking shit
That's the point of the age of consent
This is some common law shit
>in a muslim country when 12 years girls are forced into marriage
>and that can include gifts or inviting her to an expensive restaurant etc
also a massive load of shit
I don't mind the age as long the other partner is also under 18, (21 max if in late teenager years). If you disagree you're a fucking pedo
>just suck dick
Probably counts as penetration though. Here even a tongue kiss is considered penetration.
>That's the point of the age of consent
The "safe" age of consent is 18. From 14-17 it´s not outright illegal but there are some rules in place to prevent predatory behaviour. But there is a lot of leeway to allow the courts to account for the nuances of every case. But it means that you need to be careful if you are over 18 and dating a minor.
>The "safe" age of consent is 18. From 14-17 it´s not outright illegal but there are some rules in place to prevent predatory behaviour. But there is a lot of leeway to allow the courts to account for the nuances of every case. But it means that you need to be careful if you are over 18 and dating a minor
stassi holdovers i see
>No your honor, I didn´t pay her to have sex with me, I just promised her I would gift her a Ferrari in exchange
What would be the alternative? Either making 14 an absolute age of consent which would leave young people at risk of being taken advantage of, or making 18 the age of consent and banning sex with minors altogether.
>Either making 14 an absolute age of consent which would leave young people at risk of being taken advantage of
your women are whores
it literally doesnt matter anymore