You're cute!!!
Attached: 20200722_234437.png (475x720, 271.52K)
no im ugly fuckin piece of shit that god made him to get laughed of
i-i am?.... b-but no one else ever called me cute before...
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You too
Attached: Yui2.png (900x1140, 287.26K)
none of you hairy fat trannies are cute kill yourselves and contribute to the 43%
please kys
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Shut up
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you shut up fat faggot noone loves you
You are mean, pls stop
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I love you and myself
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deine zukunft verlasse deutschland sofort wir wollen dich nicht hier haben
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Pls leave my country, muzzie
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ich bin kein moslem verlasse deutschland wir hassen dich geh weg oder bring dich um
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But I love Germany.
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Don't post Japanese Anime Character pic, Korean.
You Koreans must keep "Boycott Japan" forever!
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Attached: ab5.gif (500x354, 260.68K)
Speak for yourself
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Koreans play Japanese game, read Manga, and watch Anime in illegal way.
They never pay the price.
Attached: 0e204af9.jpg (682x392, 90.33K)
Japan and Korea must hate each other.
Attached: EYGAEg3U0AEkU1-.jpg (1280x854, 144.38K)
cute wani
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