Is this an accurate summarization of the history of muslim spain?
Is this an accurate summarization of the history of muslim spain?
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Not quite, the one who coquered Iberia, the one Gibraltar was named after was not Arabic
And were on the pic it says that Gibraltar was named after an Arab?
Berbers were nothing more than mercenaries during the first years of the conquest, Al-Andalus politics were dominated by Iberian muslims, jews and the descendance of the Arab nobility.
North Africans didn't have an important role until the Almohade came in.
they always mention the a*abs and forget about us who did the difficult job thank god we kick those sand dwellers just after the fitna
History is political and so it's falsified.
accurate about infighting.
Berbers had a good reason to throw out Arabs though because they did all the fighting- why would they accept being 2nd class citizens ??
I live in a city with an Arab name
most taifas were berbers you stupid spaniard and before almohad they were al moravids wich they also were berbers
Did almohavid and almohas claim decent from Mohammad and quraysh tribe?