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not even close, the rust belt is the most depressing place in the US by far


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Janis Joplin is from there

>this gringo thinks he's living in a third world country

I fucking hate power lines so much

We are though.

No, Appalachia is

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You should embrace a mixed economy and conscription for all males

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Maybe in your worthless state you piece of trash

Nooo, military scary.

No we arent retard

Oh no how depressing I live on a trailer IN MY MASSIVE PROPERTY, nigga don't speak about shittiness unless you have experience the real shit

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Damn look at that building on the right... the LOST VESTIGE OF EVROPAN CIVILIZATION

that's not their property, there's someone living right next to him, they own nothing but their own homes (at most, some rent still)

Texas... home...

Nah. Those people are dumbfucks who vote against their best interest.

Appalachia is mostly WASP or black?

>who vote against their best interest.
I always see this parroted on Zig Forums and Zig Forums. What the fuck does this even mean?

>be poor fuck
>vote to give gibs to corporations instead of gibs to poor fucks
>blame it all of black people for not getting help

mostly white and baptist

Probably because blacks all subsist off gibs and cause a net loss while those people aren’t particularly concerned with getting free shit from the government. My uncle lives out there and its always fun to visit his big property and go fishing

The building on the right isn't even that bad, it's designed pretty well. Only issue is it hasn't been kept-up.

I though whites have money in USA. Here theres communities of slavic and germanic people who live like that, very far from civilization and very old traditions


They are poor but they dont rob and kill each other over shoes because of it. They are pretty content with how they live


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Why are you just posting pics of places that were destroyed by natural disasters?

It’s a cop out for left wingers and socialists who can’t fathom why someone wouldn’t think like they do.

What do you really get out of this thread, OP? Why does this get your rocks off?

Also, where are you from
>inb4 New England

>implying blight and disinvestment happen exclusively in natural disaster zones

>why does this get your rocks off?

because I'm autistic and I hate this country

poorfags who see themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" choose to vote in favour of millionaires rather than poorfags