Europe hate thread

Fuck all Eurofags and their garbage self-hating globalist neoliberal culture. They are Chinese cocksuckers destroying the rest of the Western world through populism, bureaucracy, and neocolonialism.

They preach tolerance towards all races but speak of genocide towards their gypsies. They criticize America for its foreign intervention yet murder African leaders who don't suck French dick. They are hypocrites, sodomites, whiners, and bigots.

The average European's most fundamental values could accurately be summarized with a Kurzgesagt video. Their philosophy could be summarized with a single Reddit politics thread. The average European claims to hate America, but watches our TV shows, listens to our music, and argues about our politics over the internet.

Every time I read a "hot take" from here about my own country from another soy-guzzling, gun-fearing, baguette-eating, English-speaking European thousands of miles away, I want to vomit. I want to set my faggot detector on overdrive and purge all Eurofags from the Earth.

I want you to reply this thread and seethe. I know this will get bumps from retarded Eurofags who will call us names and jeer at what I just wrote. I am aware the jannies will eventually delete this thread. But I don't care. I want you to know how much we Americans hate you. And I want you to kys.

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*takes a huge dump in the middle of your thread and leaves*

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I would suck any European mans cock


I wish I was that cute


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Europeans are cute, leave them alone.

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i thought we were the neoliberals

Balding lol

thanks for your essay but I won't read it

they are

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He's cute, I'm his number one admirer :)

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In retrospect it may have been too much to expect a European to be able to read and think for himself without the approval of his liberal social circle and a thinking license from approved EU institutions

>The average European's most fundamental values could accurately be summarized with a Kurzgesagt video. Their philosophy could be summarized with a single Reddit politics thread.
Kek pretty accurate t b h

>garbage self-hating globalist neoliberal culture
But you created this, just look at what's goin on today in race war america

You need to get rid of all your hatred!

Coping considering the average Amerimutt cannot even grasp the concept of fundamental values or philisophy.

Actually no. Europeans are way worse they just dress it up better and don’t get as much attention.

>But you created this
God, learn history and maybe see what your academics were up to after WW2.

Because it is almost entirely self flagellating garbage that inevitably results in reductionism or deconstructionism to the point of being incel nonsense.

Thats only west euros

reminder that all these euromutt countries are butthurt at us because we raped your countries during WW2, we did it before and we can do it again. LMAO

Dangerously based, OP.

Based Americans. Europeans are most racist people

deal with it

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I love Europe, OP is a massive faggot. The biggest faggot i’ve ever seen.

Europe BTFO

Japan does not deserve to be grouped in with the Eurobugs to be quite honest.

>takes a look at his mutilated penis
>sees his brown eyes in the mirror
>puts on his basketball shorts that come over the knee and a tapout shirt
>listens to coontunes with the nigger word in every sentence
>"yeah I'm half german, irish, italian, polish, danish you know"
>orders his McBurger in spanish with niggerspit on it
>shitposts on the internet how he's keeping european values alive

Sad state ngl

>Europeans are most racist people

All of that sounds based as hell though ngl

I don't think about you at all.

>The amerikkkan fears this

Attached: Eurangutan.jpg (880x551, 161.63K)

Yes you fucking do though lmao, all europeans think about America at least daily

I fear the Belgian elites that keep 13 year old girls locked in basements.

>Europeans are the most racist people
Thank God

Are you trying to quote Mad Men? lol

You're obsessed with us
You're not white and certainly not European

Cope the fuck on you nasty Balkan shitskin lmao

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