Are Uyghurs the only ethnic group in China that are treated like shit? What are the other ethnic groups like?

Are Uyghurs the only ethnic group in China that are treated like shit? What are the other ethnic groups like?

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Every ethnic group other than Han is getting exterminated culturally if not literally in china. they're pulling a Jacobin like we had here

>inb4 leaf/aus/nz defending china

This. Mongols, Tibetians, Manchus are fucked.

>this is your brain on China Uncensored

chinks cant into tibet. also chink women say they view mongol, tibetan men as more masculine than han men.

This is my brain on talking with Mongols and Kazakhs from China. Fuck off mutt.

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>chink women say they view mongol, tibetan men as more masculine than han men
lol source?

ethnic minorities gets much better treatment in terms of welfare and opportunities

Especially Uyghurs. They all are provided by food and shelter by the state.

>The same “wu” images of Tibetan men dominated the impressions among the Han Chinese tourists whom we interviewed. Han Chinese men emphasized Tibetan men’s physical abilities, and most noted that Tibetan men are skilled at horsemanship. They described Tibetan men as very tough, brave, wild, and free-spirited. Most noted that Tibetan men had a reputation as good drinkers, were prone to fighting, and always carried a large knife. Female Han Chinese respondents also emphasized physicality in their descriptions of Tibetan men, whom they described as having strong bodies and as being very manly, handsome, and brave. The women viewed the Tibetans as bigger, taller, stronger, darker-skinned, rougher, more masculine, and more loyal than other men. Other expressions they applied to Tibetan men included “open-minded,” “generous,” “unpretentious,” and “decisive.” ... unexpectedly, instead of describing the masculine in reference to the feminine, Tibetan men repeatedly contrasted their masculinity with that of Han Chinese men.


How can Han "men" even compete?

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now you see why chinkazoid """""men""""" don't migrate to tsang

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ethnic minority do get benefits, that's why normal people all want to claim to be one if they live in that region

>You jealous Han boi?

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Benefits like being replaced by Han people? Sounds good to me.

Based Tibetans

it's literally all the same

He looks Russian

Hmmm chunk yoghurt.

Are you Han Chinese?

this happens here alot.

we have a big tibetan community and one at my university and an anonymous confession board. you read a ton of messages about random tibetan guys and whether they'd accept han chinese girls.

its pretty funny. tibetans are very sharp featured and look more southeast asian btw.

Are there any tensions between Hans and Tibetians?

kazakh maybe but not russian

we have a little tibet in toronto. its pretty based, tibetans are interesting people. almost all of them i met run alot and the guys & girls are all very athletic due to that tibetan altitude gene. its a funny comparison to the typical sheltered chinese kid from markham here with weird controlling parents.

i was once also bullied by an old tibetan woman who owned a grocery store because she thought i was chinese. i got a good laugh out of it.

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Asians from that region(TIbet/Nepal) are good looking.

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She couldn't tell that you're European?

90% are mountain Pajeets.

No the chinks actually always tried to include all ethnic groups in the last hundreds years. They also don't pursuit the chink muslims or christians like this as long as they behave

not if the MNO has a say in things

Uyghurs are not mistreated in China. Muslim uyghurs are, homever.
Serves them right. They have such a primitive and illogical religion that they cut the penises of their newborns at birth

no clue. there's not really ethnic tension in general because its a mixed country. i think the tibetan internationals are mostly chinese in behavior and social group, but the 2nd gen tibetans are socially canadian.

chinese canadians are a mixed bag in general. alot of them are normal particularily hong kong born ones but the mandarin speaking ones who grow up in all chinese suburbs don't really socialize with anyone in canada. i personally dislike them since they have mentally ill cultural value.

Bullshit. China even has massive affirmative programs to integrate disadvantaged ethnicities.

They're the only one that deserves it. But I guess tibetans and mongols are also treated bad by the government

What source is that?