Wow, the Soviet Union was so cyberpunk

Wow, the Soviet Union was so cyberpunk.

Attached: 5468570527_b6a9ce85ee_b.jpg (1024x729, 719.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:Пpoфcoюзнaя_пyтёвкa

What a fitting acronym because all I
>see see see (is) pee

>nooo nooooo only capitalism (pbuh) is allowed to raise the standard of living you can't just transform a feudal agrarian society into a spacefaring nuclear superpower in two generations aaaaahhhhhhh

Attached: seething-amerimutt.png (686x798, 65.51K)

This. I (and most redpilled americans) would prefer Bee Bee See

Attached: black bull whiskey.jpg (700x700, 43.55K)

damn... never thought of it like this. what's the catch? t: brainlet

soviet union wasn't a real country.

you live on a dollar a day working for the glory of socialism complaining or unionizing is counter revolutionary.

The most powerful countries in the world all conspire against you, including an attempted war of extermination.

You have to have afforadable healthcare.

I know that in America the slaves got food and lodging, but what were their unions like?