What if nixon was the president right now

What if nixon was the president right now

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He was good man actually.

We wouldn’t be having problems because we wouldn’t have Reagan’s faggy neoliberalism

but your factories still get outsourced to Chyna

>implying reagan wasn’t just expanding everything nixon started

Nixon backed down because he changed his mind

Even though he was a piece of shit he was more attentive to the needs of the American people than all his successors combined. That being said a president's policies are based around how strong business is compared to labor/the population. He passed a series of laws that helped labor and ordinary people not because he wanted to, but because labor was strong during the New Deal era and he was trying to gain their support. But since the late 1970s business has basically gained control of the entire country once more, so the needs of ordinary Americans can be ignored again. If Nixon was alive during our era of business dominance, Fox News, and Republican ascendency he would simply go where the wind blows and behave like a rightwing nut like Trump has.

Gimme LBJ or gimme death

Nixon was the last good president. I miss him so much bros

The last good president was Calvin Coolidge, unironically