Is the middle east white?
I think we should seriously
consider this. We know europeans are white, and east asians and semites are white, but the middle east has not been properly assessed.
Is the middle east white?
I don't know and don't care what race or ethnicity is pic related but i do want to put a baby in her tummy only if she does NOT have any nudes on the internet or (especially) porn videos. Over.
>semites are white
she looks like the girl my ex girlfriend is currently dating
then ill have to make porn videos with her of me impregnating her so you cant
I will indeed do it first and therefore you will lose this battle of our seeds.
You got cucked by a girl? Lmao
>semites are white
>but middle east has not been properly assessed
sorry, I meant to say "semitic jews"
There are different subethnicities in the ME making it hard to assess. Some people are outright niggers but some, like Assad, could pass for iberian white.