You're cunt?

You're cunt?
How does this image make you feel?

It makes me feel small and insignificant, but safe and comfy

Attached: c2ezme4xe4c31.png (4592x3196, 960.63K)

It makes me realise Germany is the best country

Attached: N-tqP3fzOUk.jpg (1200x800, 152.1K)

>How does this image make you feel?

I don't have feelings, sweetie.

>but safe and comfy
Next to Russia and not in NATO? That's a yikes from me.

>muttposting in broad daylight
Range-ban for Americans WHEN?

fuck NATO

makes me feel like i wanna protect portugal from the evil superpowers

they have mandatroy military service for every man, for the last 80 they have been preparing to welcome the Russians if they decide to pay a visit

Oh my god.... This is really the 4th reich... Trump plz save us

>Trump plz save us

Trump bows to Merkel.

Attached: trump-sorry.jpg (664x441, 153.17K)