Do you hate non-Whites?

Do you hate non-Whites?

This board made me realize that there are probably more average IQ non whites than I think there are. I imagine you are all on average smarter than your countrymen though.

I still hate you guys and hope you stay in your countries

Attached: 351EFF97-1AF1-48C4-8E6D-969EFEB2E343.jpg (250x184, 5.23K)

You're retarded

sorry dude, I really hated my father and wanted to get out.

>posting pepe shit
>think he is better than anybody
fuck off already

slightly racist but ok

you don’t belong in white countries

Pepe is just a meme, you will always be nonwhite.

You don't belong in my imageboard.

You lost all credibility posting a pepe.

i don't belong anywhere tho so why does it even matter?