This is what a “right wing ultranationalist” government in India is doing

>This is what a “right wing ultranationalist” government in India is doing
Absolute state of poopdia. Can’t even do fascism right. “Gender Inclusion Fund”, “Diversity Fund” lmao

Attached: 4E6A5D9C-24E4-48B6-97A7-D09332D11378.jpg (1536x848, 582.23K)

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I would like to fuck the teacher.

Modi is not RSS puppet.
RSS raised him, but his play is his own.

>but his play is his own.
kek he wishes he does.

Nigga we've always been like that irrespective of gov. Try removing the quotas and shit for lower castes and see what happens. Politics is just a big circlejerk of pleasing the lower castes because they are 70% of this shithole. Women have had 30% reservation for a long time now

This seems silly in the west becase it is the minorities who are the higher ups in our caste system why they getthese benefits but in india if this was honestly spent towards helping the lower castes out of poverty that isn't so bad. Most of Hitler's rhetoric was about helping the more disenfranchised people in society.

He wishes for sure.
He removed all of his opponents from real power, he is not dumb.

Canada caste system goes
Chinese and Indians - Brahmin
Blacks and mulattos - Kshatriyas
filipinos and latinos - Vaishyas
White - Shudras
natives - Dalits

Canadian kshatria is Sikh

In which caste I'm in if I come to Canada?