I live in the whitest country on earth

I've never seen a black person in my life.

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this is now a snarf thread

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Slavs are not, and have never been white.

This is an objective fact.

>The balkans as a whole
>eastern yurop

We shall slaughter the wh*toid menace.

oh, my condolences

based finland

Yes, all Czechs look like this.

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Any successful and wealthy country will inevitably attract people from all over the globe, as they provide opportunities that don't exist anywhere else. WIth the expection of a few imperial societies, ie France, Russia or britain, you will always live a better life in the less white countries in Europe

Cope, they flock to these cunts because you beg them and they know you'll suck their dick with affirmative action. They flock to the cunts that will coddle them, to the cunts they know they can get away with anything. Browns know who the pussies are, and they are well aware of which groups they can exploit. Blacks do the same thing here with Anglos, pressure them because they know they can, and they know anglos will fold everytime.