Kek based Chinese ambassador

Kek based Chinese ambassador

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>not using private browsing for porn

Fucking amateur i swear

Isn't he already using a VPN? He's posting from China, I assume.

Nice to know that boomers are the same in every country.

wtf I love China now

sex gifs


based if it's porn that i like
cringe if it's not

Do you think be browses Zig Forums?

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h'es a footfag


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holy based

He also liked some yugurt genocide memes


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>not juice memes


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>height mogs entire royal family

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>foot porn

I'd like to know how that happened.

holy based foot-sniffing Chad

a chinkess was masturbating some guy with her feet.

Lmao, what are though incest people besides him?

It looks like he is the only one with an IQ of over 120 in this photo.

Now I understand why "FootChad" was coloured yellow.

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Dangerously based

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>yes I do enjoy sniffing toes, fuck is u gonna do about it hong cucker?

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imagine the smell



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Yes....the UK ambassador is posting from China...

el americANO

Dangerously BASED