fall edisyon
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Vgh 3D rendering..vild vild
wake up niggas
dios mio. i dont really know who should i believe to, should i lean left or right? all of you are just the same faggots!! i'd rather make this shithole a fascist militarily controlled cunt than making this shithole a forever shithole! fuck all of you hypocrites and catholic pedophiles!
>Be banterfag
>Wake up at 2am to travel to BPO center because of the lockdown
>Make sure to buy some pagpag for breakfast on the way
>Arrive at office 4am
>Wait until the /asean/ thread is made
>Time to post my assigned premade topics
>Get triggered when people call me out for being obsessed with Marine Pemberton and tranny Jennifer
>Do this for 12hours
>Go home
>keep repeating that shilling is a noble profession in order to sleep
>Wake up at 2am
Sleeps and seethe
>calling anyone fat ang ugly
>Wake up at 2am to travel to BPO center becasue of lockdown and because traffic in Manila is hellish
>living in cebu, baguio, Davao is like 5th world shithole
>make sure to take aids pill
>Make sure to buy some pagpag for breakfast on the way
>Arrive at office 4am
>Make an /asean/ thread
>no one responds
>Time to post my assigned premade topics
>get triggered by visayan illocanus eating pagpag
>make a kaguyuh thread
>everyone seethes
>get triggered by anti Duterte/Marcos news facts.
>Get triggered when people call me out for being a same fag MKL and eating visayan illocanu pagpag
>Do this for 12hours
>Go home
>get infected with china virus
>Dilate some more
>keep repeating that shilling is a noble profession in order to sleep
>get insecure
>get triggered by ABS CBN
>keep repeating that Pnoy is a virgin a in order to sleep
>Wake up at 2am
awake from slumber
whats the difference between Polres and Polisi?
salam pagi
You know everything is bad when they do this type of shit.
should i continue watching better call saul?
i watched the first season of it, never got around to pick it up again
yes, it's really good especially season 4
>got offer to start flight school in january
>my dad asked me to postpone
fuck you corona
hujan pagi
It gets better with every season.
Treason ,high treason impeachable offense
i kind of want to drink soylent because of soijaks
I'm having bank transfer problems again. Tried a different account but it still won't work. Is transferring to Land Bank always like this?
I imagine soylent could unironically solve world hunger
pen buntingin orei
ada yang bisa ngomong perancis kgk?, udah belajar berapa lama?
I can't speak it but I'm able to comprehend written french like 60% of the time
VGH...our future, the end game.
88 australians dead, 23 UK, 6 germans.
because i'm a lazy fuck and only learn french three or four times a month when I'm in mood and in a burst of energy. I usually browse /fr/ though.