What countries have the most masculine men?

What countries have the most masculine men?

Official Zig Forums rank of masculinity in men:

1) Balkan Slavs
2) Blacks
3) Slavs
4) South Pacific Islanders
5) Meds
6) South Americans
7) Anglos
8) Nordics/Germanics
9) East Asians
10) Thai

Attached: alpha amle.jpg (640x640, 87.48K)

Why do foreigners think blacks are masculine?

0) me


because you displace them as savages in your media

Strong disagree. I think our media portrays them as tweed blazer doctors and engineers.

Because all your women keep fucking them.

Attached: interrac tiktok 2.webm (720x900, 1.73M)

1. finns
2. balkans
3. west africans
4. russians and other slavs
5. caucasians
6. latinos
8. south africans(in general not the country)
9. meds
10. south asians
11. germanics
12. east asians
13. indians
14. anglos
15. east africans

Kys Chang.

Literally all your posters here alone are turbo faggots