
'Let's Do It By the Book' Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


star trek is so fucking gay

>be about to watch Turnabout Intruder
>totally mentally checked out from what i have heard
>considered possibly the worst Trek episode ever
>watch it
>turns out it's actually really good
So this is the power of crying muhsojinny...

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I'm pretty sure Captain J.T. Esteban did a few things wrong (getting his ship blown up and all), but not really all that much. He seemed like a pretty nice guy, too.

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I'm pretty sure TOS "Spock's Brain" or VOY "Threshold" have it beat for worst episodes.

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I thought Spock's Brain was at least funny.
The Alternative Factor is WOAT for me

Jolan tru, /trek/

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Geordie, you may know your way around my warp engine, but when it comes to getting into my panties you're a thousand light years away stuck on impulse.

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Do I sound too much like a misogynistic bully if I say DISCO's 'The Red Angel' is the worst Trek episode?

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Based riker9 poster

>Riker9.jpg poster

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>G-Geordi, what are you doing with that pha-


>All right, look. Ever since you came on board, you've been badgering me and I've taken it. I've shown you courtesy, and respect, and a hell of a lot of patience. Oh, no, no, no, wait a minute. I've tried to understand you. I've tried to get along with you. And in return, you've accused, tried and convicted me without bothering to hear my side of it. So, I'm guilty, okay? But not of what you think. Of something much worse. I'm guilty of reaching out to you, of hoping we could connect. I'm guilty of a terrible crime, Doctor. I offered you friendship.
One of the smoothest gaslights ever. Like he is objectively in the wrong. But by the end of the episode, he has her apologising TO HIM. It's weird that Geordie is an incel, because he's so good at effortlessly manipulating women. He'd make a great PUA.

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>blank poster

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PUA's know they are talking shit, but incels don't realize it. They believe it.

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You're right. Geordie sincerely thinks he's the good-guy in the situation. That's fucked up.

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Sorry it doesn't have enough cum gargling for your liking

Peldor joi, /trek/!

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I would rather have an asshole who keeps the ship from being blown up than the nice guy who gets us all killed. Nice Guys need to die as a meme, trope and fact.

Not recognizing utlimate pimplay at work. Geordie made her self-check without even using his hands, he pimpslapped that ho back into line with nothing but the power of his mind


Women will never understand

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>the power of his mind
thinking is a super power to you, user?

I'd rather have a suicidal, vendetta fueled madman that will get us all killed fighting a lost cause.

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He manipulated her to the point she asked for his forgiveness even though anyone with a brain knew he was in the wrong.

Also, if you are going to bait, try harder, you can do it

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after the book is rewritten.

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I mean, if you are going to go out, might as well go out fighting like that instead of the AWWW SHUCKS GUY with his stupid grin making tactical mistakes even a 9-year-old playing DOOM would know not to make

Time gets fucked an awful lot in this series

Almost finishing S5 of TNG
Saw that DS9 started airing while TNG S6 was still airing
Should I watch them together or is it fine to finish TNG first?
Also, what about Voyager? (aired with ds9, 1995 forward)

is that the episode where some retard named lazarus chases his alternate self because it might destroy the universe?

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Voyager is comfy, there are some snooze episodes, but it will always be supremely watchable, excellent characters

On memory alpha they actually have a release order tracker, the first episode of DS9 is after the 2 parter Chain of Command


>talking to a girl
damn how did geordi do it

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The episode should have actually been him taking her to task for building a dangerous deathtrap.

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so watching in episode release order is good
or is it best to finish tng then ds9

Based Dubsminion poster

the one where they team up with abe lincoln is the woat

I'm watching by release order, but if you are small brained you might have trouble with that.

Honestly, that's on Starfleet for letting one broad pretty much design a whole star-ship herself.

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it's not easy keeping it in order but at least they try

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That starship have so much security errors, it is a death trap.

Exactly. They get a lotta heat but dude's are bringing up the rear for fucks like Braxton and Kirk.

Perfect recast for Leonard 'Bones' McCoy

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State your reasons.

Is Star Trek Online good again? I stopped around the time they released std's d7. I have an itch, but remembered they removed the foundry player missions and the disco duck missions sucked donkey dick.

It's already bad in the way that all DISCO is bad. Bad melodrama, bad dialogue, bad characters, bad plot, bad visuals, bad camera work, etc. But, 'The Red Angel' is especially bad because it's the culmination of an entire season. It's the unsatisfying conclusion to an already bad plot. It doubles down on probably the worst aspect of DISCO, that Michael is the centre of the universe. Everything revolves around Michael, Michael is special. Michael saves the galaxy. Full of unearned, forced emotion. Teary-eyed monologues intercut with yelling technobabble at each other. The whole show just whizzes along, scene-to-scene. So fast. Incomprehensible action, hard to follow who's doing what and why. Other bad episodes of Trek are usually just boring or dumb. But, as episodic one offs, they're easy to just ignore and forget.

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Has Takei shut the fuck up about
>Gene would have done it this way, this is not what Star Trek was about.
Faggot would not STFU when bitching about DS9 and the dominion war.

if he could, he would make the villain of Discovery season 3 Trump.

Didn't they already do that with Piccard?

It was pretty cool when he criticised JJTrek for making Sulu gay.

>Except Takei wasn't overjoyed. He had never asked for Sulu to be gay. In fact, he'd much prefer that he stay straight. "I’m delighted that there’s a gay character," he tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate."

>Takei first learned of Sulu's recent same-sex leanings last year, when Cho called him to reveal the big news. Takei tried to convince him to make a new character gay instead. "I told him, 'Be imaginative and create a character who has a history of being gay, rather than Sulu, who had been straight all this time, suddenly being revealed as being closeted.'" (Takei had enough negative experiences inside the Hollywood closet, he says, and strongly feels a character who came of age in the 23rd century would never find his way inside one.)

The Inner Light is mediocre

I think he only ever raised that issue because it reminds him of himself. In other words he is an ego driven bullshiter.
>Don't change my character, ruin another.


He saved the landing party. If he'd beamed them up like they'd ask, they'd have been dead too.
An Oberth class science vessel stuck in orbit is no match for a Bird-of-Prey in open space that's free to maneuver.
Poor son of a bitch didn't have a chance.

>Do I sound too much like a misogynistic bully if I say DISCO's 'The Red Angel' is the worst Trek episode?
There are many who would take issue with you including STD as actual Trek.

>I would rather have an asshole who keeps the ship from being blown up than the nice guy who gets us all killed. Nice Guys need to die as a meme, trope and fact.
How do you feel about Captain Swagger Stick then? He's an apex asshole and yet fails (although apparently for no fault of his own).

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The Red Angel was Michael's mom.

That bothered me less than the whole

"the means of travel aboard the Discovery, which is never seen, discussed, or even mentioned in seven other series, 14 movies, or any books before DIS was all somehow kept secret because Starfleet made 300 people pinky promise? What the fuck is that? Did the writers forget Klingons? Vulcans? Any ships with any sensors? Other planets or aliens that Discovery came into contact with, like say, A WHOLE OTHER FUCKING UNIVERSE NOT BOUND BY SAID PINKY PROMISE?

No, I don't think it's an ego thing. I think it's a genuine respect for Roddenberry thing. Which is more admirable. He's saying if you want to make a character gay. Then make a gay character. Don't retcon an existing character into being gay. Because, by retconning an existing character, you'e essentially saying Gene was wrong. Gene didn't do a good enough job. Gene wasn't forward thinking enough. And Takei doesn't believe that.

He would not have said shit if they made Spock or Kirk gay and you fucking know it. In fact he would be praising the change as progressive and exactly the change Gene would have wanted.

Making Sulu gay was so dumb. The one character who we know is straight and had a daughter.

Release order is always the patrician choice.

Agree. Here's a good release order list. Easy to follow.

Reverse order. Starting at the last episode of Picard, ending at the first episode of TOS. That way you can pretend you're Kes from that one episode. It's an immersive viewing experience.

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spam is bad

Am I autistic for not realizing that General Martok is in fact not played by Rip Torn until I finished the last episode of DS9?

gess who?

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>competing threads again
get it together!

You'll have to watch it all. Season three too.

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no wireless?

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She looked tolerable in the pilot, but then they gave her the sheboon haircut and everything went downhill.

have you jerked to her?


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How do you get past that alien cook, user? I can't do it. Every time I see him or hear his voice I have to end the show

>damn how did geordi do it
The Reading Rainbow

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>All Romulans become Orange Men with blond wavy hair and talk about Making Romulan Star Empire Great Again and shit-talk Federation migrants

>Someone is doing the failing

Takei is the worst kind of faggot, the simpering flamboyant whiny bitchboy

It's funny to see him in bit roles on other shows like West Wing, Better Call Saul, etc. It's a shame he has such an annoying, nasal voice, because he's otherwise a good actor. As for getting through VOY, it is comforting to know that Neelix suffers more with each passing season after the first two. Kes breaks up with him, then leaves him, Tuvok learns how to joke by making fun of him, he gets his religious beliefs shat on by Seven to the point he becomes suicidal, his attempts to prey upon the only child left on the ship after Kes leaves are foiled, and near the end he gets dropped off on a godforsaken asteroid to hook up with a single mom. Even O'Brien doesn't suffer as much as Neelix.

That mustache alone should have prevented defeat

>Even O'Brien doesn't suffer as much as Neelix.
You have steeled me for trying to watch it. So many here praise it so I know it will be good but goddamn Neelix makes me wish he wore a redshirt

Psst, hey rommies...

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You could bounce a dime offa dat ass!

Disrespectful and warmongering.

I found the bad guy species for the first three seasons more obnoxious. Seven's got a great line about them being too stupid to be worth assimilating. It's like someone watched the TNG episode where they visit the nigger planet and asked "what if we made an alien species like that, but kept bringing them back over and over again in a setting where the ship is constantly traveling in one direction at high warp yet this group of "people" who probably should never have developed warp capability somehow span thousands of lightyears?"

Are the rumors true?

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Spock's Brain is kino.

That dude's son liked the cunny a little too much.


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Pavel, when the plane fell.

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That'll be all for now.


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CIA, his arms wide.

greedy little bugger

that's not even Star Trek, user.


Mohhamad, as the towers collapsed

Just because you insist it is and write in all spas does not change the fact Picard is not Trek

CBS are the current caretakers of the franchise. They determine canon.


>An Oberth class science vessel stuck in orbit is no match for a Bird-of-Prey in open space that's free to maneuver.

Are we sure about this? The Enterprise outgunned the Bird of Prey 10-to-1 per Doc Brown. There are only like twelve dudes on a Bird of Prey--it ain't a dreadnought. I bet a competently commanded Oberth class could give a Bird of Prey a run for her money.

/trek/ determines what is canon. .gifs of Seven's inflating tits are more canon than Picard.



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>ah I see
>you rape the female until she loves you
>and becomes compliant
>would it not be easier and less messy
>to simply use a pain modulator?

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>all you ever were will be saved with us on New Earth
>except episodes of STD and Picard
>because fuck that gay nigger shit

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aren't romulan ships powered by black holes or something? if you blow them up, wouldn't the explosion be so big you'd blow up along with it.

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He's got the same haircut as Jimmy McGill, but Starfleet regs made him cut it shorter.

Based rape Garak

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>aren't romulan ships powered by black holes or something? if you blow them up, wouldn't the explosion be so big you'd blow up along with it.

Black holes can't explode, dumbfuck. That's literally the point of a black hole.

come on, user, let him confuse antimatter with a collapsar and not know the difference between implosion and explosion. Now if the black hole was an actual microquasar the ejecta of the companion star of the black hole would have explosions of matter and radiation.

But I don't think Romulans would power their ships in such a way.

You have very good taste, friend.

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This is Janeway, making a device to widely disperse an antigen to "macroviruses" attacking the ship. It will save lives. She, of course, describes it as a bomb.

Loving VOY, btw. It's just rehashing TOS and TNG plots, but in a freakier way. Very apropo for Delta Quadrant shenanigans.
Saw the Q civil war episode. So Q loved to mess with Picard because he would agitate so easily yet was always so composed. Sisko lost his temper or would resort to just hitting Q too easily, so Q enjoy messing with him. But with Janeway he keeps going the seduction route with his games. Of course there's a lot of "writers have to keep Q interesting" going on, but no one else got to "meet the parents" and visit the Q Continuum.
I think he really likes her facade of sticking to Federation ideals whilst also doing whatever the fuck she wants. It makes me really wish we could go back in time and make an episode where Captain Kirk interacts with Q using the actual actors in their moments. The first encounter might go like Kirk meeting Apollo, but I think subsequent meetings would be really cool.

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The Star Trek: Armada games were true kino.

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The part where Lincoln fight Gengis was pretty funny though.

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yeah when he called Uhura a "charming negress" and she was like "nah it's cool"

>Peyton List
The mong looking Disney girl needs to change her name.

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Watched TOS. Just finished watching TNG for the first time. Moving on to DS9. Is it good? Should I have been watching it along with TNG?

Idiots like him don't get the big commands. They get shitty science ships on shitty safe missions.

>Moving on to DS9. Is it good?
Yes. Though it's different being focused on one spot rather than the trek of a ship. It also starts the downfall of the idea that the Federation is utopian. Still has great characters and awesome episodes.
>Should I have been watching it along with TNG?
There's a bit of overlap between TNG, DS9, and VOY, but nothing that really requires watching them simultaneously.

Good stuff appreciate the insight. Would you happen to have an idea of the strongest/weakest season's and how the pilot holds up comparatively? Don't need anything more specific than that. Just want to get into a proper mindset. (Really gonna miss Data as a character though).

Wasn't the one on the right one of Roger's wives in Madmen?

I want to be a Changeling

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As always, power through the first season. Pilot is great at establishing Sisko. I only just finished a DS9 marathon so I don't really have an overview like "these seasons are best," but the Dominion War picks up in the latter half of the show and is probably the highlight.

>janny tranny deleted dat ass again
Why tho?

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Thanks again

Fuck you, it's SFW, I'm posting it again, you huge homo.

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It makes me hate the world.

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child bearing hips

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dead thread is dead

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>see this piece of metal
What do?

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Finish TNG then go for DS9 followed by VOY.
Release order is suffering.
We had to go through it because we had to.

Fun to see the difference in how the captains deal with interpersonal adversity.
Kirk is one to aggressively assert his stance until you're convinced. Picard would always try to get someone to understand his view. Sisko gets right to where you dun fucked up.
And Janeway - fuck I love Insaneway. She has repeatedly used some version of "Oh I get you. I understand your position and am compassionate to your goals. But no."

It was HER turn.


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To expand on the Kirk and Picard difference. Kirk would be more in the line of "My way is right, you must understand that." Picard was more gentle and guiding, more like "Try to understand how others see your current ways, don't you agree this other way satisfies concerns while allowing your desires as well?"

>5 years forward
>at least STD didn't...
>at least STD wasn't...

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Meh looking at it through today's Zig Forumsarized eyes. This was late 90s, inclusive feminism rather than today's "exclude white men" feminism. It was nice to have a femme captain and a black commander, and neither of them were trying to downplay or outdo the previous captains. They also didn't try to make them perfect - Sisko is a mess of problems and Insaneway...is Insaneway.

Do you follow Doomcock? He does trek reviews.

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Yeah, that was really shit, especially compared to the several strong episodes that came around it


Never heard of him. Any reason to check him out at the tail end of a ST marathon? Little more than 4 seasons of VOY and I have officially watched all live action star trek shows and movies.

Him and Nerdrotic have the inquisition on YT. Good rants.

Never had sex? Not even once?

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Why am I the only one naked at this gender reveal party?

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based OC

Hi, I'm new to star trek. Are there any good viewing guides so I can get a good grasp of the show?

Game's up, Neel. You'll pay for what you did to those kids.

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What brings you back to /trek/?

the bajorans are kind of assholes in that episode with all the refugees coming through the wormhole.

why didnt they think it was some kind of blessing from the prophets? bajor was in a famine and struggle with farming. so out of the wormhole appears 3 million people who are a peaceful race of farmers.

pretty sick burn at the end though.

what burn?

she basically calls bajorans dumb fucks which is true

Bajorans are a diverse and loving people.

God I'm sorry but Tilly looks so fucking gross dude. She looks even worse in that Season 3 poster. I try not to be mean about shit like this but I mean christ she is disgusting. She does not look like someone that belongs on a starship. She looks like someone you'd find screaming at birds in a McDonald's parking lot.

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>I try not to be mean

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I just can't help it in this case man. God damn she looks like she's sick.

I feel bad for Gene. Watching Space Seed and he genuinely thought we'd have interstellar flight by the 1990s

das stoopid, user. it take many thousand year to go between sols.

Bro, not cool. She has Down’s Syndrome.

Killy a hot qt pie

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Emphasis on the pie.

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That's enough.

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Fucking BASED

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He looks like he's disintegrating.

See me after class.

It's not cool to bully heavy set people, you assholes.

It's not cool to bully pudgy people. But it's fine to tell people that are killing themselves by getting fatter and fatter that they are getting fatter and fatter.

It's funny in TNG how they called women officers 'sir'. That was obviously a deliberate decision. You'd assume they chose to do that, in their mind, as a progressive statement. A feminist statement. That in the future, men and women are equal. But in VOY, Janeway straight up says 'don't call me sir' in the first episode. Which was also, I feel, intended to be a feminist statement. That there can be equailty, and women can still be a women. Still be feminine. That women don't have to become men to be equal. You think about, they're not calling men 'mam'. So in effect, they've made men and women equal by giving women like an honorary male status. Which doesn't seem progressive. Wereas in VOY, you can recognise men and women are different. But they're still equal. I don't know anything about feminist theory, but I think those two different probably say something about 80's feminism and 90's feminism. But, when you think about current Trek naming her 'Michael'. I don't know what type of feminism Trek is in now.

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What is it about star trek that is so captivating?

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I started with TNG
when do i watch TOS and TAS

I have spoken.

Sometimes women have penises and are called Michael. It's diverse and tolerant and you are a retarded facist

>But in VOY, Janeway straight up says 'don't call me sir' in the first episode.
She's an authoritarian lunatic. She also says she prefers "captain" over sir or madam.
>I don't know what type of feminism Trek is in now.
Fanatical, individualist equalism.

You're and actress in your early thirties. After a few years in Hollywood, only appearing in one-off parts in a handful of TV shows. You finally get your big break. You're in the main cast of a big name show. You've got your foot in the door, you're career has nowhere to go but up. What do you? Immediately let yourself go, of course. Get fat. Steer into the wall.

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Main difference between Captain Katheryn Janeway and Colonel Walter E. Kurtz is she didn't inspire fanatical devotion, and no one was sent to kill her from her own organization.

>She also says she prefers "captain" over sir or madam.
It was cute she let Tom get away with being so cheeky.

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computer games are more fun than star trek but the computer games can be about star trek.

Hope and optimism, but JJ and Kurtzman managed to kill that.

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Then why do you watch nutrek?


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You have to. You have to watch them all. The corporation that owns the 'Star Trek' brand name made a new show and stamped the brand name on. That means you have to watch it.

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Happy May Day /trek/!
You have been visited by Rom the union leader! Fair wages, sick leave and plenty of oo-mox will await those who type"workers of the world, unite!" in this thread.

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Sadly, this is the world autists have to live in. Tortured by their own obsessions.

Don't get me wrong, I live in it too.

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I love my homeless and diseased crazy dad and his labour theory of value so much.

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That’s my fetish desu

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>Stand up all victims of oppression
>For the tyrants fear your might
>Don't cling so hard to your possessions
>For you have nothing if you have no rights
>Let racist ignorance be ended
>For respect makes the empires fall
>Freedom is merely privilege extended
>Unless enjoyed by one and all

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Workers of the world, unite!

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