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The Doctor, The Original You Might Say Edition

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Previous You let it die

2nd for Dalek Lord

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Does the Doctor poop?


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Who is the biggest cuck out of the Revival Doctors?

The least is obviously 9. As for most, I'd have to give it to 11 or 12 because of them being the Doctors with the proper relationship with River.

>proper relationship
it was never anything more than River being a weirdo stalker, but the doctor got so used to it by Husbands and had no one else so just said why the hell not

On further thought, I think it has to be 12. River thought 11 was the last one. In addition to that, Clara cucked him with Danny Pink and probably with Me, to be honest here.

Still, the Doctor was technically married to River.

the teselecta married her in an alternate timeline

>he doesn't know the Doctor is responsible for Danny's "accident" so he can have Clara all to himself once again
try and keep up

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listening to this atm and making my way through mcgann

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lol, podcasts

> my work here is done

John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd were relentlessly handsome.

He was in control of the Tesselecta the whole time. Plus, he says that he's married even when River isn't there.

he's also married queen elizabeth and marilyn monroe at one point

>and probably with Me
I never got why anyone thought this, even in a joking way.

coomers were a mistake

Is it fine if I haven't listened to anything Big Finish aside from a 5th Doctor story years ago for the Chimes of Midnight rewatch? Or will I not get it if I haven't listened to any 8th Doctor stuff?

you should probably listen to Storm Warning, other than that you're good

true, but the entire point of Husbands of River Song was realizing that their "marriage" was smoke and mirrors, a temporal sham, and the Doctor and River were, in a way, forced into it because their futures clearly showed it happening despite either of them being really interested in that. It's this episode where they reach their understanding that they can make the most of their time despite this.

Personally, I never got the impression he gave two shits about her the same way he cared about the Ponds or Clara.

Like River or hate River, it's pretty clear you pulled that description out of your ass.

Thanks, I have it on now.

That one is really comfy

No, I just looked at their dynamic throughout the show, not within a single episode that marks the first time she stops being a cunt to the Doctor.

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I like this episode but it is redundant. River already got several 'goodbye' episodes, this is like watching an ex try to re-enact her break up for the fourth time just for the fun of it.

River story would of been better if it was never visited after tennant

Based Tableleg Tennant Poster.

have another

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>It took Moffat over four seasons to finally stop making River unlikeable
i'm still mad at him


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Why the FUCK didn't they include McGann in the 50th proper?

That was the plan, either make McGann the War Doctor or get Eccleston back to do it.
But Eccleston wanted nothing to do with the BBC, while the BBC wanted a big actor to play the Doctor because they thought McGann was literally who to the general audiences.

The BBC didn't want him. Probably since aside from the audios which most people haven't listened to he was only in the TV Movie which isn't very well regarded.

because the nuwho audience (especially the crowd that started following the show after 2010) has no idea who he is

>literally who

like the 10 fangirls would have known either

They would have been more likely to know. Especially since he had a cameo in a 10 episode.

>like the 10 fangirls would have known either
the 10 fangirls stopped watching after 10 so they'd be an irrelevant audience anyway

10/rose fangirls are still a tier of existence above the general audience that generally doesn't realize what's wrong with current who

But that's even more stupid, what the fuck does BBC have to say on the matter of past Doctors? Moffat should've given them the finger and made Hurt an evil/future/alternative Doctor if they wanted a big name

>evil/future/alternative Doctor
that wouldnt have worked with the story being about the Doctor who enacted the end of the time war. It was Eccles, McGaan or a new one inbetween ||or they just do the story about something else||

I view all shippers on the same level as each other.

is there ANY ship that doesn't automatically make you a plebian?

Maybe have Hurt be the 12th Doctor in timeline where Gallifrey is destroyed? Possibly a Doctor who went Time Lord Victorious anyways in the end. BBC would probably be happy and McGann would get to come back

mickey's car and danny pink

so did he in the Eleventh Hour

Rights to 8 partially belong to Fox

donna and that guy from the library

He also had a cameo in The Next Doctor and the TV Movie was more recent then so they would have been more likely to hear of it, or even watch it since it used to air on TV a decent amount during the RTD era.

How would 11 and 9 react if they had to work in a two-Doctor episode, no other companions? Like say for example, working to get off a planet back to their own times in between disabling a kill-sat, with 11 walking into 9 having been stranded for several months defeating a malevolent AI, with the satellite being its last and most difficult trial?

We'll assume that 9 is a few episodes after "Dalek" while 11 is right after he decided to un-retire to see what's so special about Clara, taking a detour only to have a TARDIS malfunction or similar plot element drag him to where 9 is.

I think 11 would try to be cordial but 9 would probably be a bit angry at how 11 seemed to move on (though it HAS been 300 years since the War to him)
9 would probably be quite pissed at most of his successors (except maybe early 12)

12/clara is unironically a step above 10/rose, being that it's not all AHHH I LOVE YOUUUUU

8/Charley is the only legit good one, at least in Doctor Who

Out of the other revival Doctors 9 would probably act:

>Initially quite angry at 10, but would probably eventually see that 10 has forgotten nothing about the Time war and start to get along with him a little bit.

>9 would probably be initially wary of 11 but would be furious with him if he pulled something like he did in Day of the Doctor where he said he started to forget about the Time war.

>9 and 12 would probably get into shouting matches constantly, but I feel like they would have an understanding of each other and be able to work together smoothly enough if it was a serious situation.

Even 10/Rose wasn't just 'AHHH I LOVE YOUUUUU'. 12/Clara and 10/Rose are just different flavours of the same thing.


Big finish Virgin here, without spoilers, what exactly is Zagreus about?

personally, i think (my favorite ship) is the best one, and nothing is worse than (your favorite ship)

The Duke of Wellington is great in this one. The story gets unusually dark at times.

Doctor goes schizo and Charley goes through some trippy shit

I've thought this described 10 and Rose's relationship well as the unhealthy thing it is. Just like a certain Doctor and his Clala.

ROSE: It's all right. It's holding!
JACKIE: You even look like him?
ROSE: How do you mean? I suppose I do, yeah.
JACKIE: You've changed so much.
ROSE: For the better.
JACKIE: I suppose.
ROSE: Mum, I used to work in a shop.
JACKIE: I've worked in shops. What's wrong with that?
ROSE: No, I didn't mean that.
JACKIE: I know what you meant. What happens when I'm gone?
ROSE: Don't talk like that.
JACKIE: No, but really. When I'm dead and buried, you won't have any reason to come back home. What happens then?
ROSE: I don't know.
JACKIE: Do you think you'll ever settle down?
ROSE: The Doctor never will, so I can't. I'll just keep on travelling.
JACKIE: And you'll keep on changing. And in forty years time, fifty, there'll be this woman, this strange woman, walking through the marketplace on some planet a billion miles from Earth. But she's not Rose Tyler. Not anymore. She's not even human.

The TARDIS has a bad day

The Doctor goes insane
The TARDIS turns evil out of jealousy
5 is trapped in a military plot, 6 in a Gallifreyan one and 7 is Walt Disney
Clues are in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland
And there is something very wrong with time.
Written and Directed by David Lynch

The alternate ending for Unicorn and the Wasp. I thought I imagined this.


9 would probably find 10 pretty annoying for acting so childish.

Ian and Barbara, the very first ship. The original, you might say

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That's why I said he'd probably be quite angry at 10 initially. But I think there would be the possibility of 9 eventually seeing past that to see that 10 is hurting as much as he is about the Time War. He would still find him annoying.

Realistically, how do you fix the Timeless Child twist?

9 would probably hate 11 desu. 11 has an aloofness that 9 would feel he has no right to have. 9 only acts goofy and cheerful when he's around Rose so he had to keep up appearances. If he was stuck with himself, he'd be gloomy as fuck.

the master is the timeless child.

The easiest way is just to say that the Master lied, or that the Master is the Timeless Child. If they did the second thing they could say that The Doctor was Tecteun if they wanted the Doctor to still be involved in the Timeless Child twist.

Make it the Master. It would help the Master a lot since instead of

>"He looked into the vortex and went CRAaaAAAaaaaazy!"

He would have e legitimate reason for losing his mind and hating the Time Lords. It would also make him destroying the Time Lords again make sense if he had recently found out the truth about him being the child. Not only that, but The Master has regenerated, what? 20 times now? It would make a shit ton of sense if he was the child. But The Doctor? Zero sense.

>Nooooo, we can't have the fucking fiftieth anniversary special mention anything from most of the show's history, wouldn't want to alienate casual viewers

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Unironically have the Master smile and say "Just kidding" as 13 presses the button.

That's the BBC for you.

Omega is attempting to escape from the anti-matter universe and is connected to the Doctor due to the events of Ark of Infinity. This results in the Doctor's timeline being distorted and it all gets put back to normal when they defeat Omega

that would be based, it was all a hologram and he just wanted to fuck with the doctor.

Unironically would be a great thing to do. Having all those flashbacks and stuff would convince even us that he was telling the truth and then to just drop it like that would be awesome.

Realistically? Never mention it ever again in any big way. In a special, the current Doctor says something like "Can you imagine the Master once made me believe I was the progenitor of my entire race? Talk about ego!" and that's it.
Alternatively, the next time the Master pops up he says he fooled the Doctor into believing she was Space Jesus and laughs at her face.

That's it. No second explanation to try and make the Master the Timeless Child, no expanding whatever bullshit Chibnall thinks is good storytelling. Just remove it from canon and move on.

This, basically. Don't even get into explaining how he did it, the fans will fill in the blanks themselves.

Someone in a previous thread ages ago said that at some point, The Doctor would channel her "unlimited regeneration" energy into something to destroy/help it and then make a remark about feeling strange or whatever. Then, episodes later, the Master tells her the Timeless Child thing was a joke to trick them into using up their energy so The Master can finally kill them and they will stay dead.

>it was just a prank bro
Would be based

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I would actually love this.

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That'd be fantastic. A new Master whose schtick is just fucking with the Doctor? He isn't even explicitly evil, he's just constantly lying to her and pulling pranks that often result in the deaths of hundreds. The Troll Master.

12/clara is the patrician version of 10/rose
or slightly less annoying anyway

Who makes these covers?

It's plenty fucking annoying on /who/

at least it breeds some decent shitposts like tin dog running over p.e.

Get in here, faggot. We're saving Doctor Who.

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You've just been transported to the heaven sent prison. Instead of the veil (the doctors nightmare) what is it that chases you around?

Hard Mode: Not Jo Martin

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I'll never know what it is, and that's the point.
If I can see the thing that's chasing me then I won't be scared of it.

Chris Chibnall

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Clara, except I don't stop her from chasing me

Reminder that Chibnall rips off RTD every chance he gets so 13's regeneration is gonna have these guys standing in the background Ood Sigma style except unlike 10 there'll be no dramatic weight to the scene whatsoever

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I'm forced to watch nu-who again until I can recite it by heart but it's all been remade with Zig Forums references, bad wolf actually being based retard etc

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What did Tom mean by this?


what happens when she catches you

>You've just been transported to the heaven sent prison. Instead of the veil (the doctors nightmare) what is it that chases you around?

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He's going to die today, just you watch.

>Maybe Jon Pertwee
>That was a joke. Ha ha
>He's dead

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Listening to all the Mcgann audios for the first time. I'm up to Time Works. Does C'rizz get any better? So far it's the worst companion i've listend to. What on earth were they thinking.

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What did Three mean by this?

That disclaimer that beginning offends me more than any of the actual content in the video possibly could

I can't remember the last time I was so genuinely blindsided.

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They had a cool idea for the companion, it's just that they kinda forgot they need to write his character too

Just started 12 for the first time. When does he hit peak kino? First few episodes aren't super impressive.

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that fucking ending holy balls

>when does he hit peak kino? I'd say he doesn't for an extended period, at least consecutively. His well-renowned episodes are fairly scattered across his era.

Never judge a Doctor by his stories.

I'm sorry user, most of Capaldi's era is built up (justifiably so) from threads a few years back. There was months of shit posting and oc about angry 12 and then as episodes went on we all jested about what we wanted. Part of 12 was watching 12 and i'm afraid you've missed a chunk of that.

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Doctor Who is dead.

The Long Game

Another banger from RTD. This episode featured Adam as a companion, just after the events of Dalek. I actually liked this episode a lot, despite it not being mentioned much by fans nowadays. I thought having Adam "go rogue" and augment himself for his own personal gain was very much in-character from what we saw of him in Dalek.
Despite liking this episode a lot, I don't really have much to say about it, which can be a good or bad thing. I thought Cathica, played by Christine Adams, was a very entertaining side character, and having her there to not only save the Doctor and Rose, but also survive the ordeal, was quite nice.
A recurring theme with these RTD stories is that the characters are written very believably, and each of them can be greedy, or liars, or generally flawed in a way that's true to what we know of people in real life. Integrating that level of care into what I imagine was a hectic production cycle just goes to show just how much he and other writers truly cared about the show.
I didn't feel like this was filler, and I do hold it above other episodes featured thus far like The Unquiet Dead, just not too far above.

Simon Pegg was in it too, so that's something, I guess.

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He hits peak kino very quickly. There's a lot of his episodes that don't, though. I recommend that you don't waste even a second on Forest of the Night, for example.

But Twelve interacting with the kids is the only good part of that episode.

Damn. I like him so far though. He feels like a different Doctor. I also like how they have a few shots of them entering the Tardis from the outside and it transitions to the inside. Cool to see it from the perspective of companions and whatnot so we get how impressive it is.

True, but I thought that entire episode was so jarring and bad that I gained nothing of value from seeing it. It just made me angry.

i thought the funny surprise was the stupid robot citing terms and conditions
then i was done

Why is that? What are some of the best episodes and what are ones I should avoid?

There are some loonies on Gallifreybase who started to hate Pertwee because of that and wanted to cancel #3. Because this one line that he probably didn't even write offended them.

had a dream I was walking round the natural history museum with Paul McGann

just coming in here to say Hartnell is my favourite Doctor and I've never liked any other anywhere near as much

adam was there to show that not everyone can be a companion
you still have to be a good person not a greedy selfish dickwad

>Kino 12 stories:
Mummy on the Orient Express
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
Under the Lake/Before the Flood
Heaven Sent
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls

>Absolutely dire 12 stories
Kill the Moon
In The Forest of the Night
The Girl Who Died
Sleep No More
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Thin Ice
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Lie of the Land
The Eaters of Light

This is why it pisses me off so much when people count him as an actual companion.

He clearly looks uncomfortable reading the line, but that just makes it funnier

Why? Not being accusatory just legitimately curious.

wtf Girl Who Died was great, you're thinking of Woman Who Lived

>The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Bullshit. It's better than every single series 10 story.

definitely one of the weaker episodes in season 1 though. I thinknthe issue is just a weak villain and mildly uninteresting environment

>Not Listen
Fuck off, Clarafag

>girl who died
>pyramid at the end of world
>return of doctor mysterio
all of these are good
and lets be honest anything pre 13 is worth watching

You know, I never thought about that till now. That's great actually, especially to establish so early on for people that never saw classic Who.

I haven't seen a lot of Hartnell but I loved what I saw of him. One of my favourite moments of his is:

I gathered that by what the Doctor said to him at the end; that he "only takes the best". Still, it was interesting to watch.

I agree with you on the villain, certainly. I've personally always been a sucker for space station environments. Honestly though, (I meant to write this in the review but thought it was too dumb) I felt like this setting would've made for an excellent Cyberman story of some kind, and that's what I had stuck in my head the whole time through. Compounded with the fact that I didn't have much to say about the episode compared to others, I'm inclined to agree with you that this is definitely one of the weaker stories. Compared to other "filler" episodes later in the show's run, however, I don't consider this one of the worst.

On a side note, I have 1080p videos from Series 1-4. If there's any HD screencaps anyone would like me to get for them, I'm happy to do so.

This is also a link to the shows themselves, if anyone is so inclined.

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>Under the Lake/Before the Flood
Why do you think that? It's just so boring.

I just liked his character and how it grew. He went from being a prick to genuinely heroic, his relationships with his companions and all the history eps (especially the aztecs and the romans). It kind of changed after that the era of the first just feels different, I like 3 and 4 but 1 will always be the stuff I re-watch the most. I'll also mention the recent special with Capaldi and the 1st doctor was fucking atrocious.

I will also always be shitty at all the lost episodes like Troy and the Daleks Master Plan

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It's great, its a shame that arc sucked after a kino first episode.

It's a nice atmospheric base under siege kind of story. Admittedly, the second part does falter a bit, but the first half is more than enough for it to go down as a classic. It's a shame not more people talk about it.

all of them are fine except Kill the Moon (its last 5mins is good) and Forest, maybe Sleep No More is meh too

>Saxon becomes user
I kinda like it...

Can someone remind me what was the in-story reason why the Master didn't tell the Doctor she was the Timeless Child in Spyfall?

I think he said something along the lines of "Why would I make it easy for you?"

Why was the special so atrocious? I haven't seen TUAT.

I'd not avoid any of them. Not because he doesn't have any bad episodes, since he has a fair few, but because if you go into episodes with high or low expectations you will have already made up your mind about them before watching.

Why are those bad?

It was dead boring. Nothing happens in it and in a sad attempt to virtue signal they actually end up implying that Polly was just good little girls who did everything that she was told because the men told her to do it, which reduces her character

It had the first doctor making really out of place sexist jokes which he never actually did, literally said women were like glass at one point. There was some neat moments, like this youtube.com/watch?v=ixTcCJ-Ti5g and Capaldi is my favourite new doctor but fuck the writers

A nonsensical antagonist even for Doctor Who. The 1st Doctor was too old fashioned in his racism and sexism.

But why? Was the Master planning on telling The Doctor specifically in Ascention of the Cybermen? If so, how did he know The Doctor would be there? Was he just waiting on Gallifrey? Was telling the Doctor at that specific moment part of his master plan to turn the Cybermen into Cyber-lords?

He wanted her to figure it out herself. She couldn't, so he told her.

Wow, 13 really does suck

Is it true the first doctor is a black lady now

How come so many of the Doctor's companions get blacked?

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Is it just me that loves Robots of Sherwood? Yeah it's dumb but it's fun dumb.

It's my interpretation of what happened, since I'm pretty sure the Master wanted 13 to figure it out herself and then the next time he sees her he just tells her anyway.


I watched it again for the first time recently and enjoyed it a lot more. I think it just wasn't what I wanted from that era at that point

It felt like a repurposed Eleventh Doctor episode.

nothing of importance happens for the overall story (except last 5 mins in KtM), the episodes themselves are not entertaining at all and the sci-fi part of the episode is garbage

there are some other 'weak' episodes like Woman Who Lived but all the others range from okay to good

I had no problems with it. It was just kinda okay in my opinion.

The focus on linear television dates it somewhat. I doubt there will be traditional television 10 years from now, let alone 200,000.

it was the only series 8 one-off episode that could qualify as 'comfy' without any character drama in it, it's just an enjoyable breeze

How do you cancel a dead person?


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It brings a tear to my eye that such a progressive future is confronting it's racist, sexist past. Bless Chibnall's Doctors.


>This is the artistic peak of Chibnall fans
No wonder they think he's good.

damn nu who fucking sucks


>So, these are my replacements? A roasite and a coon?

12's hoody look is fucking trash and I hate how many episodes it has the nerve to taint

the most sexist shit old who did was have susan scream alot and polly get some fucking tea why do they act like he was hitler

Have sex incel. I'm glad the world has moved past bigoted people like you.

This. His Heaven Sent look was peak

>that part in The Invasion where Brigadeir makes a sexist remark about Zoe who calls him out on it and then goes on to prove him wrong by helping make the equations that save the day

Imagine being this wrong

>have susan scream alot and polly get some fucking tea

god i miss companions that i could coom to, it's been 3 series

Hoodies are comfy.

>Susan was literally a Toddler by her species standard.
> First Doctor was still disastrous at using the Tardis so he asked his friend for help.

Here, everything is explained.

>Hyper advanced aliens accept to mature morally after staying with human schoolteachers.
> Never take advantages from other aliens despite his superior technological level.
>Takes the defense of the Sensorites and the Bug People on the web planet.
> Trolls faggot accellerationist cybermen to their face.

The list goes on.

What an antediluvian chauvinist was he.

Reminds me of that webcomic with Black Panther telling Iron Man and Batman to "sit down and be humble"

>The Doctor himself - Paul Bleeding McGann! - will be joining India Fisher, director Barnaby Edwards and myself, as we tweet along to the free livestream of my grisly little Christmas comedy, The Chimes of Midnight!

It would be kino.

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