Commander Cody, the time has come, execute order 66

Commander Cody, the time has come, execute order 66.

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>I'm sorry, you don't look or sound like Chancellor Palpatine. Thus I will not follow your order.
>*ends transmission*

Palpatine: Commander Cody, the time has come, execute order 66.
Commander Cody: nah I'm going to Order 69 your mom instead
Keanu Reeves : that wasn't very wholesome but it was pretty funny lowkey not gonna lie

Indoctrination and fierce loyalty>Brainchips

imagine if there was a glitch in the transmitter, and every clone heared palpatine ordering code 65. They would not even stop to wonder why the chancellor just ordered his own arrest and execution, they would just do it.

What if someone ordered 66 meals in Dexter Jettster's diner and a platoon of clones heard it?

That's the thing, order 65 allows for a simple arrest only using lethal force if extremelly necessary. For example if Palpatine chimped out and starting doing sick flips with his lightsaber and screeching like a madman.
Order 66 only contemplates execution, no matter the situation.
Palpatine was careful enough to alter the fine print to his convenience when making the contingency orders. And because no one reads the fine print most didn't bat an eye.

commander chuck...

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God Star Wars is so boring and uninspired. Why does Zig Forums love it so much? Is it the flashy space battles or the laser sword fights?

The fuck kinda name for a commander is Cody?
That is a name for a child.

where the fuck can I find the story reels?

Where was commander sneed when it happened?

why the fuck did palpatine start to phase out clones? was he going senile? they were far better than local hires. stormtroopers were shit

Hint: Star Wars is a kids' show.

Execute order S11E05

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Clones had the big problem that they aged way too rapidly. In addition the Kaminoans rebelled against the Empire, using the very same cloning program. So Palpatine shelved the program soon afterward.

same reason no one used droids again, Lucas didn't plan ahead of time

>In addition the Kaminoans rebelled against the Empir
Officially and canonically,thanks KK there was no rebellion in Kamino

>same reason no one used droids again
Why people don't use nukes or chemical weapons again,then?

we still have nukes and chemical weapons, also we haven't had a real war since 1945, the star wars universe has had several major wars which could have benefitted from droids and clones, you're comparing apples and oranges


>what is childhood nostalgia
I mean we're talking about the same board that considers Willow to be a good movie

>we still have nukes and chemical weapons
But we don't use it in our recent conflicts, in fact their use if not only deemed as a monstruosity but also countries go to extreme lengths to avoid using them in the case of droids.
>the star wars universe has had several major wars which could have benefitted from droids and clones
So we do yet I don't see Americans glassing their enemies with nukes and the one of the few ,if not only, militaries that have been using chemical weapons recently is, allegedly, Assad's army.

I imagine that mass manufactured war machines would also be seen like that considering how is the treatment of droids post Clone Wars,not to mention Palpatine decomission them except for dark troopers.

You would think droids and trained clones of a shooting expert would be a better choice than random locals yet they "upgraded" to Stormtroopers and never used clones or droids again

>Rex replying "Yes, Lord Sidious" thus establishing the fact that the clones were well aware of Palpatine's identity which means that the entire Fives arc is rendered completely nonsensical

Okay lads, real talk tho:
Some day in the future post ID numbers will be 180 digits long, allowing for 60 sets of triple digits in a row. Imagine that one day someone posts a pic of Vader and writes "Execute Order Sixty Trips" and indeed gets sixty trips, something like
That would be hella fuckin epic and a real human bean.

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Fucking fail from Rex and his boys. Typical Ahsoka escape in leaping away.

Attached: tcw s07e11 order 66 2.webm (1000x562, 2.81M)

How exactly would they end up having more loyalty to the republic than to the jedi that were fighting and dying with them side-by-side on the front lines? The chip thing is a retarded plot device, but so would be basically anything at that point, they wrote themselves into a corner.

>Sir, what about Ahsoka Tano? She's our leader, she's so badass, you should have seen her fight Darth Maul during the Siege of Mandalore™.
Jesus christ, Dave...

>How exactly would they end up having more loyalty to the republic than to the jedi that were fighting and dying with them side-by-side on the front lines?
Gee idk, same way most of the Senate bought Palpatine's bullshit about a coup d'etat perpetrated by the same order who swore to protect the Republic for a thousand generations, including Padme who was reluctant to tell Obi Wan about Anakin's whereabouts at first.

This. Also why did they go after Ahsoka and Maul, neither were Jedi yet the clones were going to execute them. Does the brainchip account for all force sentients? If so, why did the Coruscant guard not storm into Palpatine's office or gun him down as soon as they met him,why not kill Anakin Skywalker?

Don’t you mean Order 44

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what the fuck was the point of the clones turning if they can't kill mail and ashoka? every single other Jedi can get killed because there happens to be a clone behind them. Hell, even Jedi Master council members get killed by a couple battle droids in aotc. filonis kids show leaves a lot to be desired but good thing his original creations are replacing even the movie and making it worthless too

>why do people enjoy the things they were raised with? I just don't get it

Sometimes adderall actually makes for a good comment. This is one of those times

Rex first stopped his troopers from doing it before she realised what was going on, and then hesitated when trying to execute her himself. She had the prep-time the other Jedi didn't get.

Plo got shot down while in his A-Wing; Aayla was shot in the back - gunned down before she could sense anything; Mundi caught between his troops and the droids on a bridge? IIRC. Only Yoda had the prescience to dodge what occurred of his own cognisance.

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hugh mungously based

So you are admitting that it was a terribly written plot point yet trying to use it to support your argument at the same time? Also, even if the senate leaving the Jedi out to dry did make sense within the story (which it certainly did not), soldiers would require quite a bit more convincing than the (((politicians))).

The Jedi were not just a name to them, they led them into battle and died with them. To overcome that type of bond and begin to suddenly start blasting them in the back one day would require either:
>a) for the clones to be barely above retarded level mentally and extremely open to suggestions
>b) SCI-FI (magic) ASS PULL LMAO

TCW clearly shows that clones are not that easily goaded into following orders/stupid, so that leaves the marginally better option of mind control chips.

>ashoka now has more screentime than Anakin or Luke in the movies

so what was the point of making clones that would question orders when literally the entire point of them is to kill jedi

>next season on The Mandalorian

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>his original creations
Both of these characters are Lucas creations though.

I was raised on Star Wars but eventually I grew out of it. I also once liked Teletubbies and Pokemon. Are you just a perpetual manchild?

Probably to make them into interesting protagonists of the clone centered episodes of TCW. I highly doubt that they thought this through when writing episodes 2 and 3, Star Wars is just one big retcon.

If it weren't for the chips, a Jedi could of just mind tricked a clone into revealing Order 66 to them, the chips are a necessary evil.

For those of you who haven't seen The Clone Wars series, none of the clones knew what order 66 was until they were given the kill order because of a chip in their head.

>what I remember about the rise of the Empire is ... how quiet it was
nice dubs btw

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read the 1st paragraph of pic related

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>Commander Cody
lol it's like "Emperor Steve", which is pretty much almost what we got anyway.

meant for oops

maybe if you actually read and understood what you were talking about, you wouldnt look like a complete retard

Did anyone notice Rex called Palpatine Sidious? How would he know?

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There were more orders then just 66 and if the Jedi had acted upon suspicion then Palpatine would have all the more reason to kill them off faster

>If it weren't for the chips, a Jedi could of just mind tricked a clone into revealing Order 66 to them
user the jedi were fully aware of the existence of order 66 in the EU, the trick was getting them to commit treason and making order 66 needed.

user you're the one who thought Maul was created by Filoni.

Damn, Kevin Kiner did a great job with the music on this episode. I like the atmospheric score.

Info is part of the chip?

>If it weren't for the chips, a Jedi could of just mind tricked a clone into revealing Order 66
user Ahsoka was able to detect or at least help detect the biochip using force tricks and I'm pretty siure with enough effort and patience they could mind probe a person's subconciousness.

>tfw Yoda turned into Baby Yeed just to suck on Ahsoka's tits
The madman

ashoka and rex are filoni designs

>I turned myself into a baby, Morty

>putting your sith name into brain of all clones
iq 1000

>just to suck on Ahsoka's tits
What tits?

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jesus fucking christ



Was Order 66 a huge relief for anybody else? Lucas' retard autism and normies' inability to detect how fucking retarded Lucas is created some kind of perfect storm of bad writing for the Jedi, they came across as the most smug corrupt cocksuckers possible. Lucas was so bad at writing good guys that he tunneled through to the other side and became good at writing bad guys.

Everything about the Jedi sucked, they were child kidnappers, naive about how much damage they were causing with their galactic civil wars every five seconds over teenager drama, completely incompetent but still arrogant. And they were perfectly happy to let quirky teenage girls lead brigades of child slave soldiers as cannon fodder, while still claiming to be the "good guys."

Then they get mass executed. Again, it was like Lucas was so bad at writing a real story that he accidentally wrote a good story that was the opposite of what he intended. The braindead normie niggers just thought it was a bad scene about good guys dying, but for me it was the payoff of three movies.

I see where you're coming from. The jedi were written as so hilariously incompetent and downright stupid that I was rooting for sheev half the time. Sure he would've run a tyrannical dictatorship that blew up planets, but it's not like the jedi were above oppressing people and making everyone miserable for their own agendas. see: what happened with General Grievous and his people.

>that was the opposite of what he intended
>its an user sodnt get the greater message behind the series
Remember Yoda and Obi-Wan didnt think Vader could be redeemed, it was Luke defying them that proved them wrong.

General Grievous is the true hero of the Clone Wars desu.

He mind tricked the senate over the years

Who did Sidious' voice? He sounded like Dee Bradley Baker.

worse than previous 2 episodes

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People on the upboat thread saying it was the exact dialogue from ROTS with a filter on the voices.

Debatable. I always thought when Yoda said "No, there is another" he was referring to Vader, no Leia.

>keeps peace for 1000 years
Go back to rddit atheist degenerates

>republic is a completely decentralized pile of shit full of crime lords and normalized slavery

I know that the voices from the vision that Maul and Ahsoka had were from RotS but that Sidious in the com didn't sound like McDiarmid.

They were written that way on purpose

based Maul

Same as all Western countries u tard

They weren't, Lucas said so himself.

To be fair, there's no real mechanism through which clones can arrest a Jedi. A sneak attack is pretty much the only way. Whereas arresting a helpless old man is easy. Plus they're too dangerous to be kept alive

>No Battle of Coruscant
>No Cad Bane
>No Boba Fett
>No Dooku
>No Grievous
>Fuck all Anakin and Obi-wan
>4 episodes focusing on irrelevant Disney self inserts nobody likes
>Cuckloni focusing on his shitty waifu

Miss Me Yet?

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When Lucas wrote that line, he meant for it to reference Luke's sister, a character other than Leia who would be revealed in the 3rd or 4th installment. After shooting ESB, he wanted to spend more time with his family, so instead of doing a full six movies with Luke, Leia, Han, etc., he wrapped things up in ROTJ. Leia as Luke's sister was a last-minute retcon


>execute order 1933

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>Grevious gets a sweet ROTS model upgrade
>use it for a 1 second scene in the opening
Why has Filoni done our boy so dirty?

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>Commander Cody
>no Monster or Mountain Dew decal on his helmet

Commander Bacara, the time has come, execute order 66.

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I agree, but I like to think of the chips being safeguards in case the clones decided to deliberately disobey the orders. So if a clone followed the order, the chip wouldn't activate, but if a clone decided to disobey for any personal reason, the chip would kind of "force" them to do it anyway.
Though I do remember there was a story from the EU or somewhere about a clone commander rejecting the order because he thought it was a separatist trick or something, so there's that.

>"I only like mature media for mature people such as myself."

I unironically want Cad Bane to appear on The Mandalorian. I know he would be a bit too old by then but I don't care.


can't appear when he's been long dead

An unfinished TCW scene isn't canon.

>can't appear when he's been long dead

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you are now reminded that palpatine has a call center of sheev clones calling every clone commander in the galaxy to let them know about order 66 and what it means for clones in their area

>he missed the point again
It's ok user you'll understand star wars eventually.

>No Battle of Coruscant
Fuck man, I wanted to see this so badly. TCW does a great job with bigger scale battles and this is one of Grievous' most threatening moments. Plus we hardly got any Shaak Ti in the series.

until he's used in literally anything else outside of something TCW related post-ROTS, the scene is considered canon. it's been six years since the buyout and there have been multiple places in nulore shit where cad bane could have shown up (and hsould have realistically) yet not even his name was mentioned in any of them.

Bravo Nolan

>Why has Filoni done our hoy so dirty?

>villain aligned with the CIS
>not Force sensitive
>an alien
>male (see how Ventress and Bo Katan get a free pass for both being women)
>very cool but also complex cyborg design that only appeals to nerds and a limited number of deviant fangirls (the entire opposite to Maul's design)
And on top of all that
>doesn't have George Lucas' approval because "muh Vader"

>Hello, what's your problem?
>Hi, my name is Rex. I can't execute the Order 66, I think there's a problem with my chip.
>Have you tried to turn it off and on again?

They can probably retcon Duros lifespans or some shit.

>Maul gets resurrected against all logic so he can be featured as a prominent villain in two different shows and a (attempted) set up for his own movie
>Grievous can't even get any spotlight during the time period in which he was a prominent and highly influential figure
Why does Lucasfilm hate us so much Grievousbros?

>sir you need to do the needful

It's not that Jedi are bad user, its that the order was misguided in a way, Yoda is a good example, even after everything in episode 5 he makes the exact same mistake with Luke and he did with Anakin. When confronted with a vision of their loved ones dying Yoda doesn't help to remove that fear he just tells them yeah they will die it's how it is, in Anakins case if lead to most jedi dying and in Luke's it lead to him almost dying. It's not that Yoda was wrong it was that he went about it the wrong way.

When are we going to get some stormtrooper kino?

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Sir, I'm going to redirect you to Sheev from the Clone Recalls Office, extension 501, is it alright if I put you on a ten minute hold? Thanks!

That video sucks

>4 episodes focusing on irrelevant Disney self inserts nobody likes
At least Disney affected only these episodes. The rest are pretty solid.

The prequels are meant to show how flawed the jedi order was. How did you not get it


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>bring me cunny
what a chad

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yes, and over those 1000 years they slowly became arrogant and isolated in their ivory tower, that's why nobody really cared when the temple got Waco'd

I hope something buys the rights to this in the future and deletes these characters from the project file


Commander Covid, the time has come, execute order 66

I enjoyed that sequence a lot. Good on him for killing those peons.


Those female twins were originally written as one male guy before Disney stepped in.

I dub them bitchulus and cuntus

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You love that, don't you?

Wow dude, it's almost as if Vader said to Obi-Wan, "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil," in ROTS.

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Its not canon they rebelled? You sure?

>commander kobe ... initiate order 66

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old battlefront 2 did not stay in canon, that is 100% true.
AOTC and TCW are the only times kamino shows up in nucanon, other than the patch on the autistic scientist's shoulder in the mandalorian that came from the cloners.

That "one male guy" was another Filoni self-insert.

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In order for a Jedi to do that, they'd have to already be aware of Order 66, so doing so would be redundant aside from proving a point. Even assuming a Jedi did that, the evidence would be complete horse shit since they used mind tricks, which can make one say just about anything.

He is the ultimate pleb filter.