What is your favorite movie staring Milla Jovovich?

What is your favorite movie staring Milla Jovovich?

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Imagine the smell

return to the blue lagoon

Godlike no?


You mean my favorite movie of all time?

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Borstch with garlick and rye bread

Pink Floyd: Live in Pompeii

easy choice, LeeLoo Dallas ~

Adventures in Using Me As A Toilet

is her daughter a movie?

>her pubes stuck in your teeth

What the fuck? I've gone down on plenty of hairy women and never got any hair in teeth. You're supposed to lick it, not bite it


Dazed and Confused

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only Luc Besson's stuff

Messenger is waifu kino

How are you sposed to 'eat' something without biting it? I've literally never heard this before.
Did my friends lie to me?

Soup, you asshole

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>ywn have Paul W.S. Anderson's life

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the fourth kind

Nice face but where are the curves?

Unless it's broth, maybe rice or barley, you still have to bite the meat and veggies.
You don't eat broth, you drink it.
I'm going with my gut here, when I have to eat pussy, I'm gonna chomp down on that shit like a pitbull.

>3 daughters waiting in the wing for when mila becomes old and busted
based as fuck

I want to snuggle with the eldest :3

Any pics of her asshole?

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Will Paul direct them in those movies too?


She has that "I prefer anal over vaginal" look.

>Paul W.S. Anderson
>married to Milla Jovovich

>Paul Thomas Anderson
>with that unfunny snl broad

Fifth Element.

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do you think she is aware of the power she has?

When will the hollywood kikes share their cloning machine. Look at the daughter, literal replica. Or is it strong slav genetics?

>cloning his wife so she can appear in Resident Evil movies far into the future

10 points

I don't know WS Anderson is British and Jovovich is Serbian or something.

i look almost identical to my father when he was my age. My cousin looks so much like her mother i literally confused them too on a party one time and started kissing my aunt. Weird shit.

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full bush or full wax for me

Resident Evil - Extinction (2007)

> Desert setting is great & gritty.
> Early scenes with them foraging for food in dark abandoned buildings is suspenseful and moody.
> Milla's acting is decent compared to the rest of the series.
> Her fights with the double machetes is badass.
> Alice's outfit is the best of the series. Remains sexy but the big jacket hides how small and frail her arms are.
> Guy from the Mummy films is solid here.

> Final battle is weak.
> Alice is overpowered
> No Jill

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>she's also married
the absolute state of lanklets

Why does she wear a bra when she has no boobs?

You shouldn't have to hear this from someone on an anonymous imageboard, but kissing your cousin is just as weird as kissing your aunt, freak.

Wow real fucking cool, this tall peice of shit was going to fuck a married woman. Christ, you tall bastards have no fucking respect or morals at all do you. I'm fucking glad I'm 5'2'.

If I ever met him, he'd be 6 foot alright. 6 foot under the fucking ground.

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for the same reason you wear a condom in your wallet despite not having sex in 28 years of your life

we even mutually masturbated many times and did some oral stuff but never penetration. It's not weird.


Jovovich is basically Russian, her mom is Russian and dead is Serbian, but he left when she was young and mom raised her. She actually speaks Russian with almost no accent which is a bit weird considering she's been living in US since she was like 5, i guess they just spoke it at home.

Probably the original Resident Evil movie. I liked her more in the Fifth Element, but Chris Tucker's obnoxiously loud and unnecessary character makes me hate the whole fucking movie.

>Christ, you tall bastards have no fucking respect or morals at all do you
Kind of like a tripcode?
*picks you up and places you on another board*

Yeah I post with a tripcode, fuck off. It's an old tradition here on Zig Forums but let me guess you've been here a week at most... probably a Disco Tranny or an Election Tourist

"A female talked to me, i cooda fucked her i swair"

A coomer thread pretending to be a thread about Milla Jovovich.......

That is very wholesome - which is more than can be said for his Resident Evil movies. How do you go from Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon to these.

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Too busy rasing his daughters right to focus on making good movies
Look at Kubrick's kids, they're all fucked up. You can make kino or you can raise a nice family, not both

>My cousin looks so much like her mother i literally confused them too on a party one time and started kissing my aunt. Weird shit.

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hahaha virgin

No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…
Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.

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>Attack of the Clones

garbage movie

pornwhore that only gets roles through shit tier director husband

She's born in Kiev. Russian speaking tho.

resident evil 16

Dazed and Confused

I respect you user, but pic related

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The Messenger. The Fourth Kind is a close second followed by Fifth Elelement. Then I honestly like the first Resident Evil movie, the first two really aren't bad in my opinion. Then I guess The Three Musketeers.

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contrarian faggot detected

>Lots of short men in Hollywood.
>she's only 174cm

KEK, holy fuck manlets get rekt.

At least there is some consolation for his awful career.

His few good movies seem to be flukes that are good despite bad editing and production.

Good old Joe Cumia. Him going on peoples court to complain about the sub reddit was hilarious.

>a female body can go from that to this

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kissing your aunt would be a bit less weird if your uncle is the blood relative

Talk show kino

I enjoyed it but its really not a good movie...

>our schedules clashed
"sorry im busy tonight, joe... yeah im busy that night too... ok g2g"

Peak female body
Lol, I was about to post this

you sound like the most normalfag, tryhard, edgy, discord using, memelord virgin I have ever witnessed. good job faggot (which you probably are)

movie sucked, open your eyes

>wear in your wallet
you shouldn't keep condoms in your wallet fyi

all mila Jovovich films are trash


of autism?

Reminder that every single Resident Evil movie was a major box office success, which can’t be said for Star Wars.

Serbo-russian master race ethnostate when


i forgot about this one. cant remember much except mel running around in a head gear and milla being a crazy lady

*Born in the USSR, nigger. Ukraine isn't a real country. Her mother is Russian and lived in Moscow until she decided to go to Kiev.

If you think it implies she's Ukrainian - it doesn't. Americans think citizenship and nationality is the same thing, it's not, you're all just refugies with no nationality, so once you get a passport you're an American even though you're a pajeet that lived 30 years in India. She was born in USSR as well, Russians were all over the republic on work assignments.

*hits pipe*

The Fifth Element

I am not american. Italian with Ukrainian ex, she was very proudly nationalistic.
I can accept this answer But you Are answering like the usual russian cancer. Shut the fuck up, you are only good for ruining everything you touch.

Sorry, the opposite. You Are the cancer.