No that the ST is over

Can we admit that this is the best movie in the trilogy? It's the only movie that feels somewhat organic and has actual build and twists. Also, it's not just a OT wank fest like the other two movies.

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It’s the best SW movie period.

> Organic?
FUCKING HOW? It goes out of its fucking way to be spiteful, snarky & subversive.

> Build
When? The slow as slug slime slow motion spaceship chase?

It's the best of the trilogy by virtue of Abrams not being involved
That doesn't make it good

>FUCKING HOW? It goes out of its fucking way to be spiteful, snarky & subversive.
I like Luke's evolution as a character.
>When? The slow as slug slime slow motion spaceship chase?
It was building up to an epic finally. They planted the seeds for an Imperial Civil War plotline and set up Kylo as the main villain.

The Last Jedi is Eric Butt's favourite Star Wars along with The Empire Strikes Back.

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>I like Luke's evolution as a character.

>Like evolution as a character
>>"What you think I'll just grab a lightsaber and take on the first order?"

Yes because that's exactly what you did in A New Hope

are you actually this stupid? surely you understand the difference between these two right?

main characters in hero journey stories have a nasty habit of being boring. Luke is not an exception. I am more of fan the Shakespearean tragic hero. Luke going from a hopeful youth to grumpy old man that just wants to be left alone makes sense.
Are you going to let that stop you?

It's an objectively terrible movie that makes zero narrative sense. No.

Stop me from what? Liking The Last Jedi? I love The Last Jedi as well as the other two. I think I might even enjoy the sequels more than the original trilogy. I know they kind of similar, but the sequels just do it so much better and more entertaining.

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Is that what the YouTubers told you? Think for yourself.

>I like Luke's evolution as a character.
Kek. Whether or not Luke's change was justified or believable is a whole different argument, but it absolutely is not organic when an entire evolution of a character happens off screen. TLJ overall is the furthest you can get from organic. It's a series of plot points that are hardly connected beyond the most basic levels of story progression and characters often behave in strange ways simply because the script needs them to do so.

>Whether or not Luke's change was justified or believable is a whole different argument, but it absolutely is not organic when an entire evolution of a character happens off screen.
I mean, we saw the flashbacks.
>It's a series of plot points that are hardly connected beyond the most basic levels of story progression and characters often behave in strange ways simply because the script needs them to do so.
The series of events makes perfect sense to me (though, the events themselves, especially towards the beginning) are questionable. I do agree that Luke suddenly jumping from a guy that thinks there is good in everyone to trying to kill his nephew because of the evil he could possibly do could have used more context/build up.
You aren't serious, right?

It's never happening OP. Maybe between you and your 15 year old buds but killed star wars. What can you do

Anakin is a Shakespearian tragedy, TLJ Luke is just trash
Why the fuck did he need an 'arc' anyway? Obi Wan didn't need one in the OT, nor did Qui Gon in the PT. He could have been sat around dispensing wisdom to the NEW characters to help their own development instead of wasting half the screentime for Luke to go through an arc that we already seen him go through once before.
But the new characters are all fucking shit

YES I AM SERIOUS! I love them all.

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It didn't kill anything. The only thing that killed Star Wars was the fans themselves. OTfags are a plague.
>Why the fuck did he need an 'arc' anyway?
He didn't need one but it was a "bonus", I guess. I would have appreciated it if Luke remained a grumpy old man but they made him relearn what he already knew.

Not only is it franchise killing film, and I'm not overreacting, it could unironically be also considered one of the worst films made

>Also, it's not just a OT wank fest like the other two movies.

The other two movies being bad doesn't make tlj good. What a brainlet take.

Here is why you like TLJ. You are probably a casual fan. You don't care about the lore and the world continuity. You don't care about the contradictions. You don't care if Lukes journey in the og movies becomes irrelevant by his actions in this movie. You don't want a logical continuation of previous stories. You want the unexpected even if contradicts everything. You want the female lead to accomplish everything Luke accomplished without effort and blood because if she had to put in any effort it would imply women are inferior or equal to her male counterparts. Deep down you were cheering when she destroyed Luke's legacy. Fuck the old man am. We don't need to learn anything from our elders. They are useless and pathetic. Destroy the old, forget the past and look into the future. The new generation is the future. You know everything already. You know the right answers to politics and life. You are the future.

I used to have a friend that thought this movie was some experimental film to test audiences but after seeing knives out and how soi it was I figured out it was just bad.

>lol Snoke dies, he was never real anyway
>lol Holdo maneuver

masterful storytelling

i honestly don't know if this is bait because of the contrarian fags on this board but either way...
unironically based

Of course it's fucking bait you retard.

>also considered one of the worst films made
You don't watch many movies, do you? It's not even the worse Star Wars movie.
It's not bait. Do you actually think TFA and RoS are better than this?

no, I don't. they're obviously not but apparently most people are too stupid to see it

Based. As. Fuck. Woke. user.

Still, its a diseased Wookie turd, but the least diseased of the trilogy by virtue of Jar Jar Jew Fuck not being involved. Holy shit the Jewish community should get together and give him an award for being the Jewiest fucking Jew on the face of the fucking earth. Either him or Larry Silverstein.

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You can argue its not the worst Star Wars movie, but you can not argue that the Sequel Trilogy did not do more damage to American culture than any other 3 films in its history.

care to elaborate? I don't know how many films were that influenced by the ST

Reminder that Holdo accidentally killed herself while she was trying to hypersace away after she got entire #Resistance killed.

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imagine actually taking this shit as canon lol

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Has THE Eric Butts lost all relevance now that the ST is finished and SW is truly dead?

no, fuck you

Reminder that Luke Skywalker tried to kill his nephew, son of his sister and his best friend, while he was sleeping in his bed, because he had a bad dream.
This is what neo-commies consider to be good storytelling.

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Come to think of it, JJ did exactly what Zig Forumstards accuse all jews of doing; he infiltrated an existing culture and utterly destroyed it from the inside