This entire series is pure kino

This entire series is pure kino

Attached: whatarewedoinghere.png (848x743, 909.89K)

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So can anyone confirm that him and Vagrant Holiday are the same guy?

I can confirm it.

Who fucking cares?
shut the fuck up
you've ruined these threads with your obsession over it

the chad frank hassle vs the emotwink surveillance faggot

Attached: Cameraman.jpg (550x739, 54.19K)

Camera Man is an artist. Hassle is an autist.

alright jesus no need to yell

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looks like a bullied highschooler
i can only imagine his "fans"

Hyde and his whole crowd reek of "we got bullied in HS so we became the bullies." Cameraman is that kid in the back nobody knew existed.

is he your bf or something?

>Hyde and his whole crowd
I bet that SCM and Hyde at least acquainted with each other.

Frank Hassle is better. Anyone got a link to him BTFOing the Crossfit gym? They're so ass blasted they keep tracking down uploads of the video and are getting them removed, even from Bitchute.

Why are autistic Hassle faggots in this thread?

SCM doesn't exist. He's an enigma. Hyde's only hope of finding him would be to wander around the dark corners of Europe looking for his sleeping bag.

>hur dur what are you gay bro?
Hyde fans are low IQ

Link the vid please

>Camera Man is an artist
>Cameraman is that kid in the back nobody knew existed.
the way you talk about him
do you know him irl?

Found the queer with no friends

Holy fuck. LOL. I haven't seen this before.


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you know how I know you're gay?

Found a mirror of the crossfit one. One of his finest works.

redditmod Zig Forumsump

idk im not the one whiteknighting men online

Not funny or original. This guy's obnoxious and like that one annoying black guy harassing people and putting it on tiktok or whatever

lmao, someone should shop pablo in this pic.

>seething manlet

This is extremely cringes desu
I hate autists who act like this in public. It's one thing to do it with friends for a laugh, but the fact that he thinks he's being funny yet is the only one laughing is pretty sad.
inb4 "manlet git out" I'm 6'


I mean, its an almost perfect level of trolling.

The mass effect 'taunt' graphic really made me laugh.

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Found the soi boys.

It's pretty funny

There's a line between a joke and just being obnoxious.
Repeatedly saying DUDE PUSSY in public where there are kids is just being an asshole. These would be funny if the people were actually getting mad about the dude making fun of them, but they're mad because he's being a public nuisance.
Some of the edits like the judge judy part were kinda funny though
This one is actually funny because it's just someone overreacting for no reason and isn't causing a disturbance for a whole business.

>Repeatedly saying DUDE PUSSY in public where there are kids is just being an asshole
lol USA
you are such pussies

>Repeatedly saying DUDE PUSSY in public where there are kids is just being an asshole.
They were teenagers and teenagers say pussy (and much much worse) all the time. Not to mention they looked like adults anyway, the 50 year old roastie was strawmanning Hassle hard by insinuating he was intentionally heckling teenagers. You sound like a beta male white knight to think pussy is a forbidden word. The owner started off as quite respectful and was handling it with class but he quickly escalated into being a faggot who deserved everything Hassle was doing (and much worse) when he started using the 50 year old roastie's strawman. The owner turned into the villain and I was rooting for Hassle to keep making him look like a faggot.

>saying DUDE PUSSY in public where there are kids is just being an asshole.

Go watch some drone bombing footage on CNN or something

The beauty of SCM is that he's not doing anything that isn't already happening to you on a daily basis. He's just doing it visibly. He remains completely neutral while he does it; only giving basic responses ("I'm just filming", etc). We see nothing but the reactions of people having a camera put in front of them. At time's it's funny, but it's always fascinating.
Frank Hassel is an e-clown who pushes too hard to get laughs. Sometimes he's funny but mostly he just makes himself look cringeworthy. The two are incomparable.

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>We see nothing but the reactions of people having a camera put in front of them. At time's it's funny, but it's always fascinating.
Yes, it's rude and obnoxious for someone to be standing there poking a camera in your face. SCM is the same as Hassle, difference being Hassle has the wit, comedic timing and balls to speak to his subjects without repeating the same monotone catchphrases.

Zig Forumsump

>Hassle has the wit, comedic timing
He doesn't but that's beside the point
SCM isn't being an asshole or trying to be funny. He's just standing there with a device no different then one you'd find watching over you in a convenience store or elevator.

I was a fan of Sam until he started with this stuff. From what I've watched it's just too uncomfortable and not enough actual funny. The hydewars were all great until he started putting these kids in them, idk why he did it.

It'd just suck to realize at 30 you won't get hired anywhere because you thought you were being funny on YouTube when you were 19.

>SCM isn't being an asshole or trying to be funny. He's just standing there with a device no different then one you'd find watching over you in a convenience store or elevator.
Absolute cringe. The kind of conclusion a 13 year old boy would draw to think SCM is totally deep and totally exposing how hypocritical the human condition is. Fucking top cringe. The point of SCM is to be an obnoxious faggot and provoke funny responses. It's bottom of the barrel entertainment, but Hassle puts effort and wit into his adventures.

I don't expect a pleb like you to understand. His work mirrors that of the famous street photographer Bruce Gilden. His style of "flash gun and run" creates unique portraits of the people he shoots. The photographer becomes a subject in the photos, and though you can never see him, his presence is a primary focus of every photo. SCM is following in those footsteps. Only he take video and doesn't run.
tl;dr- SCM is an artist. Hassel is just another e-clown.

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Cringe and low IQ pilled. Hassle is honest, SCM attracts pseudo 13 year old intellectuals such as yourself. SCM just films people hoping for le ebin angry reactions.

Can you be less obvious when you shill yourself hass?

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>Hassle is honest
Honestly shit
Half of SCM's reactions aren't even angry. One of my favorites is when a mentally ill homeless woman ranted at him incomprehensibly.
>"You seem confused?"
Hassel can only make people angry with LOUD NOISES. He's got no grace.

>Hassel can only make people angry with LOUD NOISES. He's got no grace.
Or by asking some random guy on the street these your dogs? Or by just saying pussy in a gym? Yeah, most people tend to get angry if you just walk up to them and shove a camera in their face while being mute. Boring. Hassle's adventures are done with wit and comedic timing.

>asking some random guy on the street these your dogs
>just saying pussy in a gym
Wow. Comedic mastermind
>most people tend to get angry if you just walk up to them and shove a camera in their face while being mute
I like how you didn't even read my post
There are plenty of people who don't get mad at all at SCM. There's one homeless guy who fucking thanks him. Hassle can't do anything but act like an idiot to make people mad.

I don't get the difference between this Frank Hassle guy and every other shitty "ITS JUST A PRANK BRO" youtuber

>There are plenty of people who don't get mad at all at SCM. There's one homeless guy who fucking thanks him. Hassle can't do anything but act like an idiot to make people mad.
Yeah and that's not the point of his videos, the point is to get le ebin angry reactions.

god tier editing is the difference

No, that's the point of Hassle videos. If people just ignore him and move on, he has no video. If people start laughing with him, he has no video.
SCM isn't about trolling desperate for laughs. He's just presenting people's reaction to the camera. Nothing more.

>crazy font subtitles
>shit flying across the screen
>wacky noises
This is what zoomers consider "god-tier editing"

It's really not kino though. This video might be funny if you're a teenager, yeah okay it's a bit funny seeing people's reactions to this odd person intruding on their space. But it doesn't make any sort of "deep point" about CCTV, unless you're incapable of rational thought beyond the most superficial level. Even the dumbest of teenagers should be capable of understanding the vast differences between a random person intruding into private spaces, who could be up to anything, and cameras that are used by businesses (such as shops) in order to protect themselves against shoplifting, assault, and other crimes. But yeah, fuck the system man! smoke weed erryday! we r anonymoose! etc etc Yeah that's cringe.

>"deep point" about CCTV
Kek, I definitely believe SCM was trying to make some kind of point like this, but that isn't what makes his videos so kino

>This entire series is pure kino

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>difference being Hassle has the wit

are you expecting slow pans, dissolve shots and screen wipes in fucking youtube prank videos? it's the only editing that makes sense in relation to the content.

>slow pans, dissolve shots and screen wipes
I'd subscribe.

Imagine a prank video shot like a Tarkovsky film
That would be a feat

who's frank hassle